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Tutorial 4
Telitabs and solution managementImage Removed

Learning goals

  1. Modifying a dataset
  2. Performing string operations on telitabs
  3. Learn about more Quaestor funtions
  4. Managing solutions
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1    Objective

In this Tutorial, we will evaluate the values of GM for each ship on the criteria stability and comfort for the crew. These criteria will be used to decide which ship is the most ideal, based on GM. Finally, we will generate one solution in which all the results of the previous tutorials are presented.


For this tutorial, the knowledgebase from tutorial 3 is used. You can either use your own (verified) knowledgebase, or download it here:  [Tutorial 4 Start]

2    Changing the dataset

  • First,


  • clean up the


  • Workbase from any solution.

Remember that we put the gave attributes to the object Ships? It was These were used to make the object a multi case entry to the database, and when the process manager Process Manager was started, the entire contents of the object could be selected as data. For the next steps in the Tutorialthis tutorial, we want to use the Ships object, containing all our variations, as dataset in part of a relation. As we already discussed with the Hull object, this is only possible when is it can be seen as object from the entry point in the dataset. However, at this moment Ships itself is the entry point.

So to use Ships as a separate dataset we should do the following: 


  • Add a new


  • object Data to the knowledge base


  • , directly in class Top Goals/Undefined (Determined by: OBJ) and add this object to the top of the dataset, by dragging it tot the Dataset node.


  • Now you have


  • two objects, Data and Ships in the top level of Dataset


  • .


  • Next add @DBENTRY and @DBOBJECT to the


  • object Data and remove these from


  • the Ships object. The object Data has now become your entry point


  • .


  • Now add


  • a new Ships object to


  • the Data object by dragging the Ships object from the Knowledge Browser to the Data object in the Dataset. Now you have a Ships object in the Data object and you still have the Ships object on the top level


  • .

  • Copy the data in the Ships object on the top level to the Ships object


  • inside the Data object


  • in the same way that you copied the contents of the Waterline object Hull object in the previous tutorial (see here). You will be asked whether or not to create new parameters, select Yes to All and


  • click OK.

  • And finally


  • delete the Ships object on the top level. Select


  • this Ships object in the tree and press DEL


  • .

Now we you are setup all set to continue with the next steps of the tutorial.

3    Stability overview in one TeLiTab

We'd like It would be nice to have a clear overview of the stability of all our your ships. Therefore, we'll create a TeLiTab containing the contents of Ships completed with GM_rounded, a rounded value of GM, and a ship number.


  •  Add the following relation to the class Geometry:


GM_rounded = ROUND(GM, 1)

which is GM rounded to 1 decimal place in meters, also see the function ROUND(). Note


that Quaestor automatically sets the number of decimal places


for the display of a parameter


in the


Workbase to 2. Obviously, GM_rounded should be presented with only one decimal place, which can be changed in the


Properties window.


Next, add the following relation


to Geometry ,to set the ship number


equal to the case number



Ship_no = ORCA(1)


Obviously, it is dimensionless. You may want to examine the ORCA() function. Let's make the ship number the 'leading' parameter in the presentation of results. In its


Properties, change the Output to value to HEADER


. As only one parameter can be leading, set the Output to value of Lpp back to OUT.


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Figure 2   Setting output to Header makes a parameter 'leading' in the workbase


  • Finally, add the relation for the stability overview


  • to Top Goals/Undefined:

Stability# = Ships(@GM, @GM_rounded, @Ship_no)


By adding 


# to a parameter,


 Quaestor automatically makes it of the TeLiTab type (i.e. its 'dimension' is TeLiTab). Similarly, a 


$ results in a string


type (see also QuaestorSyntax).


One of the quirks of Quaestor is, that a parameter can also be assigned e.g. a string type in its Properties, and it does not get the $ appended to its name.

The relation defines that GM, GM_rounded and Ship_no should be added as goals in the Ships object for each case (B and Lpp combination). Stability# will contain the data from the original selected object Ships, augmented with the three columns and all data needed to calculate these results. 

  • Make sure Stability# is determined by 


  • System/function.

When solving for Stability#, is it needs the object Ships. If you select the object Data in the Dataset, the object Ships is available, because it is an object within Data.




Dataset/Data in the Workbase, and start the Process Manager. Just select Data, and run a solution for Stability# (Click on Next until the text on the button changes again to Data input). You might want to inspect your solution by opening the TeLiTab (double


click on the value (Text/Telitab) of Stability# or press F2).

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  • Hereafter, delete this solution.

If Quaestor presents some parameters with an empty cell and waits to continue, these parameters may not be determined by System/Function or System/Equation. If you just press enter without changing something, the parameter will still be calculated though. If you'd like a fully-automatic solution, you'll have to change the determined by value in the Properties window of the pertaining parameter.

4    Creating a section between TeLiTabs

We'd like It is desirable to assign a stability and comfort rating to each of our your ships. This rating, based on the rounded value of GM, is available inin TeLiTab format:

Code Block


3 "GM_rounded" "Stab" "Comf"


"1" 0.0 1 1


"2" 0.1 1 2


"3" 0.2 1 4


"4" 0.3 2 6


"5" 0.4 5 8


"6" 0.5 6 9


"7" 0.6 7 8


"8" 0.7 8 6


"9" 0.8


 9 4 
"10" 0.9


 9 2 
"11" 1.0 9 1

Our Your stability overview also contains values for GM_rounded, so we'd like to combine these two TeLiTabs should somehow be combined.


  • Add the following relation to


  • Top Goals/Undefined:

Stability_check# = SECTION#(Stability#, "", TEXTITEM$(1), "", 1)

You may want to evaluate the syntax of this function, the description can be found here.

Note that our rating TeLiTab should be included in the dataslot Expression Data field of the relation editor, as described in tutorial 3. Make sure the syntax is valid, the data slot field should contain:

Code Block


3 "GM_rounded" "Stab" "Comf"


"1" 0.0 1 1


"2" 0.1 1 2


"3" 0.2 1 4


"4" 0.3 2 6


"5" 0.4 5 8


"6" 0.5 6 9


"7" 0.6 7 8


"8" 0.7 8 6


"9" 0.8


 9 4 
"10" 0.9


 9 2 
"11" 1.0 9


 1 |

If you run a calculation now with Stability_check# as top goal (and select Data as dataset), you will obtain a solution in whichwhich Stability_check# using , using object Ships, augmented with GMGM_roundedShip_noStabComfKBKGBM and  and Moment_of_Inertia. 


  • Run a solution for Stability_check# using Data in the dataset. Inspect the TeliTab.


While you can normally see


the TeLiTab result in the Workbase when double clicking a value of a TeLiTab parameter, for Stability_check#


it does not open in


the Workbase


but opens as text. The reason is, that it containts parameters not yet defined in the knowledge base (Comf and Stab).  When you would add these to the knowledge base




this changes.


  • Delete the solution when done.

5    Display only the relevant parameters  

The result of the above calculations contains a large amount of data that will not be necessary in further calculations. To clean up the solution, by removing the parameters we do not want to be displayed, we will use the function UNFOLD#(). This function can be used to change the hierarchy of a TeLiTab and to include or exclude parameters from a TeLiTab. We will adjust the relation that we used to calculate Stability_check$check#, to exclude parameters.


  •  Edit the relation for Stability_check# to become:

Stability_check# = UNFOLD#( SECTION#( Stability#, "", TEXTITEM$(1), "", 1), "", 1,"Ship_no","B","Lpp","T","DISP","Stab","Comf", "GM")

The meaning of this function can be found out by inspecting the documentation on UNFOLD#(). This function can be used to change the hierarchy of a TeLiTab and to include or exclude parameters. The mode of the function is 1 here, wich which means that only the parameters at the end of the syntax (Ship_no to Comf) are present in the telitabTeLiTab. Now, only the relevant data is displayed in the TeLiTab Stability_check#

6    Selecting the best and the worst ship 

From the TeLiTab Stability_check# we can now select the ship that scores best on both "Stab" as and "Comf" (Stability and comfort). To do so, we will use the function MATCHCASE(). 


  •  Add the following relations to the class Stability:

Best_ship_no = MATCHCASE( Stability_check#, 2, "Stab", "Comf", 10, 10, 1)

Worst_ship_no = MATCHCASE( Stability_check#, 2, "Stab", "Comf", 1, 1, 1)


These new parameters are both dimensionless and System/Equation. 

These functions return the case numbers of the ships that score either highest or lowest on stability and comfort. The functionfunction MATCHCASE() returns integer values, so the number of decimal places should be zero for these new parameters.

7    One solution for all results

While working with a knowledgebase, it is convenient to have a small number of solutions that contain data in an organized way, rather than have a lot of solutions that contain separate results of calculations. In this paragraph, we will create one solution that contains thethe TeLiTab Stability# Stability# as well as the best and worst ship numbers.

To add a parameter to a solution that will be calculated after a defined top goal, the attribute @SUBGOALS can be used. It should be placed in the dataslot Expression Data field of the expression editor of one of the relations that is used to calculate the top goal. We will address the sub goals in the relation for Stability_check#.


  • In the


  • Expression Data field of the relation Stability_Check# in the Expression Editor, add the following attribute:

@SUBGOALS: Best_ship_no, Worst_ship_no

See figure 3

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Figure 3   Adding subgoals to a solution by using an attributeImage Added

The parameter Stability_check# will now return an overview of all ship ships with stability and comfort rating. If this parameter is calculated, the best and worst ship number will be added to the solution because of the attribute above.


  • Run a solution for Stability_check# using the


  • Ships data.

The result should be like shown in figure 4.

Note: If Quaestor presents some parameters with an empty cell and waits to continue, these parameters may not be determined by System/Function. If you just press enter without changing something, the parameter will still be calculated though. If you'd like a fully-automatic solution, you'll have to change the determined by value in the slots and properties window of the parameter.

look like this:

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Figure 4   The solution of Stability_check

As mentioned in a previous tutorial, by means of the @ORDER attribute in the data slot of a parameter, you can organise the order in which the end result is presented. 


8    Check 

You can verify your results by comparing it to [Tutorial 4 Finished] 

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