In the standard view for a Knowledge Engineer (see Quaestor Interface ) the multiple document interface is shown, consisting of four windows (figure 1).
Figure 1 Basic Quaestor interface overview
These are the basic windows to work with Quaestor as a knowledge engineer with a corresponding function.
This standard view can be modified in any desirable way by dragging and adjusting the size of the individual windows. For example, one might want to maximize the Workbase window when inspecting solutions. The standard view can be recovered by choosing Window>Standard in the main menu.
Besides the windows a main menu is shown. Items in the main menu are enabled when it is allowed to use the selected item. This will depend on a lot of things such as user level, position in the Knowledge Browser or Workbase, etc. The menu provides access to the standard and Quaestor-specific file handling and edit functionality. Furthermore, the basic handling with respect to the Knowledge Browser and Workbase is facilitated. However, realise that most of the functionality is enabled by right clicking () in either the Knowledge Browser or Workbase. The menu item Tools provides access to advanced options related to repair and debugging of knowledge bases and Quaestor settings.
Interconnection Knowledge Browser, Workbase, Frame Viewer and Slots & Properties
Information shown in the four basic windows is connected to each other, this enables quick detailed overviews while browsing in the Knowledge Browser or Workbase, and presentation of the relation between results and their origin.
Please note that the option "Connect Workbase to Knowledge Browser" under the Appearance tab of the Tools>Options window we create an additional connection between the Workbase and knowledge browser.
How this interconnection is shown depends a little on the type of application. Below several demonstrations of this interconnection:
In Quaestor, the Knowledge Browser provides access to the knowledge assembled in the knowledge base and the functionality of Quaestor. Together with the Workbase the Knowledge Browser is the most significant component of the user interface and offers all the necessary possibilities to adapt search and even combine knowledge databases. Basically, it consists of seven parts (figure 2).
Figure 2 The Knowledge browser window
By means of these fields you are able to browse through all type of knowledge in the knowledge base. Please, go to the topic on the Knowledge Browser for more details about searching and browsing knowledge.
The frame viewer provides access and edit possibilities to detailed information of a frame. A frame is either a parameter or a relation in the knowledge base. Basically, it consists of 7 segments (figure 3).
Figure 3 The frame viewer window
The specific information shown in the Frame viewer will depend on the properties of the frame selected in the Knowledge Browser and the solution selected in the Workbase.
The Slots & Properties window (figure 4) provides even further details on the knowledge than the Frame viewer and makes it possible to provide information on the way of use by the modeller.
Figure 4 The slots & Properties window
The properties shown in this window depend on the type of knowledge (parameter, relation or constraint) selected. Moreover, some of the fields can also be edited in the Frame viewer. For a description of all fields please refer to the Extended KE Interface.
In Quaestor the Workbase (figure 5) facilitates the dialog with the user when a solution is modeled. Furthermore, it provides access to the present dataset, the Taxonomies in this dataset and solutions in a selected knowledge base.
Figure 5 The Workbase window
Please note that Figure 5 shows the window with the classic buttons. In addition to this buttons the Workbase buttons are introduced.
For more details about the Workbase, please visit the Workbase topic.