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Comment: Reverted from v. 13


Remember that we put the attributes to the object Ships? It was used to make the object a multi case entry to the database, and when the process manager was started, the contents of the object could be selected as data. For the next steps in the Tutorial, we want to use the Ships object, containing all our variations as dataset in part of a relation. As we already discussed with the Hull object, this is only possible when is can be seen as object from the entry point in the dataset. However, at this moment Ships itself is the entry point.

So to use Ships as a separate dataset we should do the following: 

  Add a new object Data to the knowledge base (see previous tutorial) and add this object to the top of the dataset, by dragging it tot the Dataset node. You will be asked where to place the object, select the list and continue. Now you have to objects, Data and Ships in the top level of Dataset;

  Now add @DBENTRY and @DBOBJECT to the object Data and remove these from the Ships objectthe Ships object. Object Data has become your entry point;

  Now add a Ships object to the Data object by dragging the Ships object from the Knowledge Browser to the Data object in the Dataset. Now you have a Ships object in the Data object and you still have the Ships object on the top level;
  Now want to move the data in the Ships object on the top level to the Ships object in the Data object. Select the Ships object on the top level, right click ,  , and select All to clipboard (or F4). Then select the Ships object under the Data object an click on Paste. You will be asked whether or not to create new parameters, select Yes to All and continue;

  And finally you want to delete the Ships object on the top level. Select the Ships object in the tree and press DEL; 


We'd like to have a clear overview of the stability of all our ships. Therefore, we'll create a TeLiTab containing the contents of Shipscompleted with GM_rounded, a rounded value of GM, and a ship number.


  Finally, add the relation for the stability overview to your Top Goals:

Stability# = Ships(@GM, @GM_rounded, @Ship_no) 

By adding to a parameter, Quaestor automatically assigns it the TeLiTab dimension. Similarly, a assigns a string dimension (see also QuaestorSyntax). The relation defines that GM, GM_rounded and Ship_no should added as goals in the Ships object for each case (B and Lpp combination). Stability# will contain the data from the original selected object Ships, augmented with the three columns and all data needed to calculate these results. 
Make sure Stability# is determined by system/function.

When solving for Stability#, is needs the object Ships. If you select the object Data in the Dataset, the object Ships is available, because it is an object within Data.


If you run a calculation now with Stability_check# as top goal (and select Data as dataset), you will obtain a solution in whichStability_check# using object Ships, augmented with: GMGM_roundedShip_noStabComfKBKGBM and Moment_of_Inertia
