The License Server and the License Server Manager run as a service on your license server. If, on your license server, you go to http://localhost:8090/ and you see the following screen, the service might be down.
Go to Services (local) and start the "FlexNET License Manager" service manually:
If you imported a license file and the import was successful but the Dashboard shows the critical error "Vendor Demon down:marinlmd", as can be seen below, there is probably something wrong with the license file you imported.
Use a file explorer, go to the logs directory of the license server manager (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Marin License Server Manager\logs) and open marinlmd.txt.
If you cannot find the cause of the vendor daemon being down, please send an email to, state that you have an issue regarding the license server and add all the files in the logs directory.
We noticed that once an invalid license is imported, it's not possible to remove it using the License Server Manager, although that does seem possible in the Vendor Daemon Configuration screen. The server has to be reconfigured manually using the following steps:
Go to Services (local) and stop the "FlexNET License Manager" service manually:
Use a file explorer, go to the conf directory (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Marin License Server Manager\conf) and open server.xml for editing.
Remove the tag concerning the marinlmd daemon.
Save and close the file
Go to the licenses directory (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Marin License Server Manager\licenses) in the file explorer and delete the marinlmd folder inside that directory.
Go to Services (local) and start the "FlexNET License Manager" service manually:
You can now import a valid license.
Some products do not show the FlexNET popup when there is no license available, but a license warning popup comparable to the one below.
To make sure these programs can find the license server we need to create a license file that routes the program to the license server. Create a textfile in the installation directory of the program and add the following text.
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR marinlmd
USE_SERVER <portnumber>@<license server name>
Replace <portnumber> by the portnumber used on your license server and <license server name> with the name of your license server.
Then rename the textfile to link.lic. Now the product should be able to find it's license on the server.
If for some reason you need to reset the admin password, you need to
Go to Services (local) and stop the "FlexNET License Manager" service manually:
Use a file explorer, go to the conf directory (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Marin License Server Manager\conf) and open server.xml for editing.
For the user with id="admin", replace everything between the quotes in password="..." with a new password.
It is important that the (ENC-01)-part is removed in password="(ENC-01)..."
Save and close the file
Go to Services (local) and start the "FlexNET License Manager" service manually:
Now you can go to the License Server Manager webinterface, switch to Administration and log in with the new password.
Encrypt the password
If you would like to have your password encrypted in the server.xml file, you can change your password again in the webinterface.