Tutorial 2
Developing a Taxonomy


Learning goals

  1. Startup a Taxonomy Entity concept;

  2. Build up a Taxonomy of Entities

  3. Create Entity-relations and normal relations;

  4. Connect to external programs to create documents and sheets

 Prior knowledge 

 Optional background knowledge


The tutorial has the following sections:

  1. Start up the Taxonomy Entity concept
    1. User interface
    2. The Quaestor help
    3. Preparing your knowledge base for using in a Taxonomy Entity concept
  2. Build up a ship configurator Taxonomy
    1. Include first singular obligatory Entity “Ship configurator”
    2. Include optional Entities
    3. Develop a ship design process in Taxonomy
    4. Mass calculation
    5. Intact stability calculation
    6. Data to Word report
    7. Data to Excel

Click on one of the sections or follow from the top.

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