ORCA returns the number of cases in the current session or the current case number


  1. ORCA(0);
  2. ORCA(1);
  3. ORCA(@Object);
  4. ORCA(TeLiTab$);



  1. This function very useful to get information about multi-case problems during calculation


When you have a solution created by providing a range of  11(1)17


Returns 7

When you are in an object and you want to give a name to each case in this object by means of a parameter you could create a relation to be calculated in the object of:

Name$ = "Case_"+ORCA(1) 

When you want to know how many cases are in an object or parameter containing a TeLiTab you can create a relation:

A = ORCA(Objectname) or  A = ORCA(TeLiTabname)

Quick links: Function overview | Attribute overview | Constants overview | Dimensions overview