1    Adding parameters to Main Dimensions

The entity Main Dimensions is the first one that you will add contents to. These contents consist of Quaestor parameters.

During the intended calculation, the user will be asked to provide input values in entity Main Dimensions for the following parameters:

Parameter name


Reference (i.e. comment)



Length over all



Length between perpendiculars



Width over all



Moulded depth of ship

A small window opens, where you can enter the name and type of the parameter:

A valid parameter name should not contain special characters and spaces.

The created parameter Loa is placed in the Knowledge Browser with a red cross in front of it.

If you have experience with creating 'classical' (i.e. taxonomy-free) Quaestor knowledge bases (see the Tutorials on Quaestor basics) you will know that a parameter should always have a unique name and a dimension and the system should “know” how to determine the value of the parameter.

 A special remark has to be made concerning the Determined by field for use with taxonomies. When you are sure that parameters should be requested as input, change the Determined by field to VR. When you add an entity-relation or connect a relation to a parameter (see next section), leave the Determined by field to USR or USL. Quaestor will then make sure the added or connected relation is used and the red cross for the parameter will disappear the moment the relation is added or connected.


2    Creating classes

You can create tree nodes in the Knowledge Browserin order to group parameters and relations.

Classes are just a way to order and group your knowledge and have no functional meaning during the use of knowledge.

When you have created classes, you can simply drag and drop the parameters and/or relations to the desired class.

If you define a parameter while a certain class has the focus, the parameter will belong to that class.

3    Including parameters in an entity

Now that you have created parameters in the Knowledge Browser , the next step is to include these parameters in the entity Main Dimensions


Two ways are available to include parameters in an entity:

  1. Include parameters by a drag/drop action between Knowledge Browser and Workbase.
  2. Use the option Include Parameters from knowledge base while creating a new entity.

The second method to include parameters in an entity, is by means of the select option Include Parameters from knowledge base while in the Entity Editor. After closing the Entity Editor, Quaestor will present a list of parameters that are defined in the knowledge base. All selected parameters will be included in the newly created entity. This is especially convenient when a lot of parameters are already available in the knowledge base the moment you create a particular Entity.


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