Connect constraint enables to connect existing contraints to a selected relation OR existing relations to a selected constraint

The option is only enabled when:

  • You have selected a relation;
  • Constraints are available;
  • The relation is not already connected to all the available contraints...;


  • You have selected a constraint; 
  • Relations are available;
  • The constraint is not already connected to all the available relations...;

When selecting the menu option after selecting a relation, a dialog will open enabling you to select one or more not yet connected constraints to connect to the relation


When you select a contraint a description is provided on the right side.

When selecting the menu option after selecting a constraint, a dialog will open enabling you to select one or more not yet connected relations to connect to the constraint


When you select a relation a description is provided on the right side.

As mentioned before, always try to connect existing constraints before creating a new one...


Quaestor Interface | Constraint>

  • No labels