TeLiTab is an abbreviation of Text, List, Table (see TeLiTab for more detail). It is the standard format in which data is stored inside Quaestor, the easiest way to use data inside a knowledge based systems and the easiest way to exchange data with external applications (see also Use of external or satellite programs). An example of a telitab is given below, the black text to the right is comment and is not present in the actual telitab.
1 "Ship" { 3 "Lpp" 100 "B" 20 "Resistance" { 0 2 "R" "V" "1" 1000 10 "2" 1200 11 "3" 1300 12 "4" 1400 13 "5" 1500 14 "6" 1600 15 } } |