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The syntax of every intrinsic function in Quaestor is described in the wiki, see the functions overview. The syntax above means the following.

  • The parameter Inpolparameter Inpol_Rel_B will B will be the linear interpolated dimensionless width at a desired frame number (Frame).
  • @Hull is @Hull is the object containing all the data you want to use for interpolation.
  • 2 is 2 is the number of dimensions in which the interpolation will take place
  • @Frame makes @Frame makes sure the column Frame of object Hull will be used as the parameter X in the interpolation.
  • @Rel_B makes B makes sure the column Rel_B of object Hull will be used as the parameter Y in the interpolation
  • Frame is Frame is the input parameter for which an interpolated value should be obtained

When Quaestor calculates this function, it determines the value Frame value Frame (which is user input). This value is then compared to the values of the given column for X (which is the column Frame of the object Hullobject Hull), and an interpolated value for Rel_B with respect to the input Frame is assigned to the parameter Intpolparameter Intpol_Rel_B. Notice that an @ is used to identify the data within the object.

  Run a solution for Intpol_Rel_B using the process manager and selecting the ship object. Make sure that Intpolthat Intpol_Rel_B is B is in the class Top Goals/Undefined to see it in the Process Manager. The process manager is crucial here, as static data from thethe Ships object should be used (which contains the object Hull). For frame, enter 3enter 3.20.

Quaestor should return 0.26 for Intpol_Rel_B.


 Add the following relations to your Top Goals:Error = Intpol_Rel_B - Rel_B

in which Error is a dimensionless SYS parameter. Run a solution for this parameter, Intpol_Rel_B will be calculated by Quaestor automatically because it is required by Error. Make sure you use the process manager to select the Ships object as dataset. For frame, enter 3.20 again.

The solution in two-digit format (-0.00) will be presented in the list of the Workbase. When you select this solution, more digits are shown in the Frame Viewer (figure 2a) or Explanation window (figure 2b). Note that you can change the number of decimal places presented in the Workbase by changing the value Decimal places in the Slots & Properties window. 


The arguments for the INTEGR function are as follows

  • HULL(..) is the object from which data will be used, now containing the columns X and Bcolumns X and B_frame
  • 2 is 2 is the number of dimensions = always 2 using INTEGR.
  • @X refers to the column that will be used as the parameter X in the integration: X
  • @B_Frame refers to the column that will be used as the parameter Y in the integration: B_Frame
  • 2 is 2 is the mode of integration, either Riemann (0), Trapezium (1) or Simpson (2). The latter is chosen here.
  • X_from=0 and X_to=Lpp are the parameters between wich will be integrated.

     Run a solution for the waterplane area, using the process manager. 
