The user can modify some parameters of RAOViewer using the Preferences. These preferences can be edited using Help > Preferences….

The preferences are defined as configuration entries (options) with each time a name and value seperated with as equal character. Options can be turned off by preceding it with the semicolon character, the option is then reverted to the default value. The options are grouped in sections (PLOT, SAVEFIG, REPORT).

The settings are applied once closing the window with OK. The preferences are stored in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\MARIN\RAOViewer\preferences.ini

AppData is a hidden folder by default in Windows.


Any option available in matplotlib can be used here. These options can be found here:

For example, the linewidth can be changed by editing the entry:

lines.linewidth = 2.0

Note the use of : in matplotlib and = in RAOViewer


This section contains options used when saving a figure. The user can choose the face and edge colour of the figure, as well as its resolution. The size of the figure will ensure that the picture created has always the desired size. To use the current size of the figure as in RAOViewer, the user must comment out this option.


This section contains the default parameters for the reporting tab. The options correspond to the default state of the buttons and fields in the Report tab in RAOViewer.

Note that the report tab is not available in the Lite version of RAOViewer.

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