Copy, Paste and Save
If the user right-clicks on a figure, a popup menu appears with some actions. The possible actions depend on where the right-click is done
Outside the axes:
Copy Data Figure: copy all the data
Copy Picture: copy an image of the figure
Inside the axes, not on a line:
Copy Data Axes: copy only the data of this subplot
Copy Visible Data: copy only the data within the visible x-axis range (only meaningfull after zooming on a part of the data)
Paste Data: paste some column based data with one or more lines
Copy Picture
Inside the axes, on a line same as before with addition of:
Copy Line Data: copy only the data of the line
Copy Visible Line Data: copy only the data of the line for the visible x-axis range
It is possible to copy the data from a figure or axes to paste in another application. The data is tab seperated and column based. The data contains headers based on the labels in the figure.
It is also possible to copy the figure as an image, to be pasted in Word for instance. The image is based on the current size and definition.
If one clicks on a data point in a xy plot, a popup window will appear with the data of the nearest point. This data will be copied into the Clipboard.
The information showed in the pop-up is based on the x-y data. The mean and standard deviation are thus not relevant in this case. The mean and standard deviation are not computed using a wave spectrum.
Simple data can be pasted onto a figure for comparison. The data should be column based with one X axis first followed by one column per line. If only one point is pasted, a marker will be used, otherwise a continuous line will be created in the figure. This can be repeated as much as wanted.
The save button allows to save the figure to a file. The figure is first rescaled to a given size and dpi. This can be chosen in the preferences.ini file in RAOViewer’s folder. The options are given as follows:
Line style and marker
By Ctrl-clicking on a line in a xy plot, it is possible to change its appearance: color, line style, line width, marker, marker size, marker face color and marker edge color. The color “none” means no color, making thus the line, marker or edge disappear. The marker style and color is unfortunately not fully updated in the legend.
Figure Toolbar
The buttons in the toolbar under the figure allow to edit the figure:
go back to original view
go to previous view
go to next view
pan view (with Ctrl key: zoom)
zoom view
show cross
Grid toggle
Edit labels (title, x and y label)
Edit legend
Edit axis limits (x, y, z and number of contour levels)
Save the figure