You are able to create semi-intrinsic functions in Quaestor when you want to use the pattern of a user-defined function in different ways.
For instance, the general definition of a Froude number is speed divided by the square root of the gravitational acceleration and length. However, you can also specify a Froude number for depth in which you use clearance between the botom of a hull and the bottom of a canal or lake. In that case you can use the same semi-intrinsic function with clearance instead of length as input.
FunctionParameterName(GoalParameterName, Argument1, ..., ArgumentN)
Assume you have created the expression:
To make a semi-intrinsic function from this expression. Define the following in the New Parameter, Object, Function window:
F_fn(fn, speed, g, length)
In which F_fn is the name of the intrinsic function, using fn as top goal and require speed, g and length as input.
When you use this function for another expression you can now write:
fn_depth=F_fn(V, g, GroundClearance)
with V the ship speed in [m/s], g the grav. acc. in [m/s^2] and GroundClearance the distance in [m] between ship bottom and bottom of the water it is sailing in.