
 The file for the profile options can be found at:

  • windows 7, 8: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MARIN\Quaestor3\Configs\Options (the <username> must be replaced with your Windows log-in username)

How to edit

This file can be edited:

  • from Quaestor, going to Tools / Options... : all the settings that you see there are saved to this file
  • manually, using any text editor

When editing the file for the QAppProfileOptions the following aspects must be considered:

  • The xml structure must be respected
  • The names of the tags must be respected (it is case sensitive)
  • The values must respect the data types
  • If a tag is missing, the default value will be used (false for the boolean and "" for the strings)
  • The tags containing the paths (for qkbs, projects, data vault, sattelite applications) must be deleted. The correct paths are calculating by Quaestor when the profile is loaded, as they are dependent on the local environment.

This is a full example of a file for the QAppProfileOptions that can be used for creating yours: Default user.xml

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