Three types of this window exists, enabling a user to interact with external programs. When this window appears, Quaestor has been made invisible. The window appears when Quaestor has started (and during a dialogue is controling) an external program, such as MSExcel. Between the brackets the name of the application/knowlegde base is shown and an instruction is provided with an OK button to return to Quaestor.

Using an external editor when Quaestor is not in a dialogue (not building a solution):


In this case, you have double clicked on a values that can be edited in an external editor and of which Quaestor expects to retrieve the data after editing. Please note that, if you have made changes you want to use in Quaestor, you have to save and close the external editor/application yourself and than press the OK button.

Using an external program to view results when Quaestor is not in a dialogue (not building a solution):


In this case, you have double clicked on a values that can be shown in an external program. Quaestor will not close the external program when you press the OK button. Any changes (and closing the program) have to be done by yourself..

Using an external program during a Quaestor dialogue (building a solution):


In this case, Quaestor has started an external program during a dialogue and waits for actions of the user. This can either simply be to continue with the process, thus pressing the OK buttion, or making modifications to the data in the external program and then press the OK buttion. 

Because Quaestor might be waiting for informaton from this external program (and you might be interested in using this information), follow the instructions on the window and always let Quaestor close this external program by using the OK. Doing so, changes made in the external program (and facilitated by the Quaestor knowledge base) will be taken into account in the further process. When you close the external program prior to pressing OK, any additional information or results from the program cannot be returned to Quaestor. 

Quaestor interface

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