he MS Word macro QnowledgeForm assists with the creation of RTF templates in Word

Macro installation

The macro is part of a template file that is installed by default in the "Qnowledge\Quaestor" directory during the installation of Quaestor. The template file is called "QnowledgeForm.dot".

To use this macro, place the file in the directory "startup" of Microsoft Office. Usually this is directory is in: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office...\STARTUP". By doing this the template is by default started with MS Word. Please note that you might also need to change your Word macro security settings because the macro as no Thrust certificate.

After installing an additional button  is visible in MS Word.

How to use the marcro

This macro can be used as part of the WINWORD$() fuction.

When the button is pressed a form will appear:

The Quaestor Winword template shows the follwing fields:

  • "Expression (optional):" 
    In this field an expression can be provided. In this way, the placement of text and/or parameters can be based on simple or complex contraints. For example:
    NS=2 could be typed in this field meaning that an action should be carried out only when NS=2
  • "Label index number:" 
    In this field you can provide a label (a number) to the text and parameters that are managed by the expression in the first field. When you do not enter an number, 1 will be added by default.
  • "Text in front of parameter:"
    In this field text can be typed that is meant to be added for the valid relation of the first field in front of a parameter.
  • "Include space?" 
    This checkbox enables you to add a space to the text in front of the parameter.
  • "Parameter:"
    The parameter you want to include.
  • "Text after parameter:"
    In this field text can be typed that is meant to follow after the parameter is added.
  • "Include space?" 
    This checkbox enables you to add a space in front of the text following the parameter.

On the form two buttons exists:


 shows the provided input in the correct way to insert in the document.

 inserts the input in the correct way at the current cursor possition. Please note that it is not required to use  first.


The macro is Copyright by Qnowledge BV. All rights reserved with the exception that registered Quaestor users may alter the macro for use by themselves and other registered Quaestor users provided that:

  1. The alterations are summarised in a comment directly below this copyright notice. The comment should start with the words "Modified by" and include the name of the person altering the macros, the date of alteration, and that person's email address (if available).
  2. Persons altering the macros notify Qnowledge BV of the nature of any changes they have made.

These provisions may help us help other customers, and will help us continue to provide quality products for you in the future.


To place the following relation into a document:

#NS>1[1]#The vessel has #NS# propellers[1]

The following input is required

When the document is generated and NS=0 or NS=1, nothing will be placed. When, for instance, NS=2, the sentence "The vessel has 2 propellers" will be placed.

  • No labels