
In the topic about the standard directory structure it has been made clear that Quaestor requires a structured directory organisation to manage the working directory for complex sets of data used by different internal and external programs.

Over the years it became a big wish to save projects (and their underlying directory structure) on the basis of a logically defined syntax in order to merge the required Quaestor directory structure within a logical project structure within a typical project based organization (which most R&D, design and engineering companies are). In Quaestor version 2.47.2 this functionality is realized and in the Dynamic project root path topic this is  discussed in detail.

Based on this functionality, also a generic knowledge base selection script can be created to be stored with the filename “ProjectPath.xml” that should be saved on the currently defined knowledge base directory (usually "My Knowledge\Kbs\").

When the script exists at this location, in Quaestor a navigation window will open instead of the normal file dialog when you select to open a new knowledge base. This navigation window shows the available knowledge bases on the (in this script specified) position.

The generic knowledge base selection script

As for the Dynamic project root path script file, you have to created a parametric script in an xml file. The syntax is very much the same as for the Dynamic project root path script.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <pathpart>e:\My knowledge\kbs\</pathpart>
   <pathpart>@kbs:Open Quaestor knowledge base</pathpart>

In addition to this generic script, you can still use the project path definition script to navigate dynamically to the correct path for the (to the knowledge base related) projects (see Dynamic project root path ).

When the @kbs command is used a navigation window will open on the specified path location. For example:


Back to the general directory structure