CLUSTER# returns a document or TeLiTab set with clustered data based on a series of solutions


  1. CLUSTER#(ObjName$)
  2. CLUSTER#(0, ParList$, CellDelim$, ColArr$, IntSortCol%, IntAllowDoubles%)
  3. CLUSTER#(1, SearchPar or SearchPar$, CaseNos$, [InpVar])


Method 1

Method 2

Method 3


  1. CLUSTER# arranges data from a series of solutions selected by means of the Workbase right button menu options:
  1. These menu options in combination with the CLUSTER#() function allow you to select a number of solutions in the workbase and to retrieve and use their data in a new solution, e.g. for the automatic preparation of documents or to place a serie of result from solutions into a new solution to present differences etc..
  2. Method 1 and 3 return a telitab, method 2 returns a document (large text without a particular meaning to Quaestor).


Method 1

This method will return a TeLiTab#. The syntax is


in which ObjName$ is the name of the (multi-case) object to be the container of the solutions in the cluster.

If the cluster contains more than one solution, a multi-case TeLiTab# set will be returned:

0 1 StrExp { Telitab set of first solution in cluster } Telitab set of second solution in cluster . Telitab set of last solution in cluster }

If the cluster contains only one solution, CLUSTER#(ObjName$) returns a single case TeLiTab# set:

StrExp { Telitab set of solution in cluster  }

This TeLiTab set can be used by any other function as data source. 

 Method 2

This method will return a document:

CLUSTER#(0, "#LWL#,#B#", ", | and ", "NullString", 0, 1)

Parlist$ is "#LWL#,#B#". The parameters should be surrounded by # and can be delimited by comma's or spaces. It is also allowed to use # as delimiter but the parameter list should at least be started and closed by #, so "#LWL#B#" is also allowed.

CellDelim$ is ", | and ". The '|' will be the delimiter used for all clustered values except before the last one, e.g. four values will then be presented as "a, b, c and e".

ColArr$ is a "NullString".

IntSortCol% is 0.

IntAllowDoubles% is 1 to allow double values.

Method 3

This method will return a TeLiTab#:

CLUSTER#(1, A$, "0", B)

SearchPar is A$. Please note that A$ should be a DETERMINED value in the current solution. SearchPar is the key and any set of data from a solution which includes SearchPar is only added to the clustered dataset if the value of SearchPar is not yet present in this clustered dataset.

CaseNos$ is "0" to indicated that all available cases should be selected. If you want to have a particular set of cases of a solution, a list of cases should be provided, e.g. "3,4,5,6".

InpVar is B. The parameters should be given either with or without quotes (see also QuaestorSyntax). Please note that if you use the name without quotes the system will require a DETERMINED value of the parameter in the current solution.


Quick links: replacementstringdezemoetuniekzijnbladibla