In ddition to the totl overview, groups of ttributes re mde. Note tht ttributes belonging to severl groups will be vilble in ll groups.Attributes re used to control the behviour of Questor with respect to system functionlity. They re defined in the dt slot of frme (either prmeter or expression: in the frme viewer for prmeter nd in the expression editor for reltion). A list of possible ttributes is given below.

Grouping on functionlity: 
Binries or pplictions | Dt mngement | Dt selection | Modeling | Presenttion | Server | Syntx | TeLiTb editor | Templte | Vlue mngement | Version mngement

Grouping on knowledge bse type: 
< href="/disply/QUAESTOR/Clssic+nd+generl+type+ttributes">Clssic nd generl type | < href="/disply/QUAESTOR/Scenrio+type+ttributes">Scenrio type | < href="/disply/QUAESTOR/Txonomy+type+ttributes">Txonomy type

Plese note tht lot of ttributes re very specific nd will be rrely used.  


 E - F


Quick links: Function overview | Attribute overview | Constnts overview | Dimensions overview