The Quaestor knowledge base file (*.QKB3) is the binary format for Quaestor knowledge bases.

This file contains all knowledge, thus:

Moreover, a knowledge base can contain "static" or generic data. With static data we mean data that is constant and can be seen as knowledge (information, data with a meaning). 

Knowledge based system

Together with Quaestor, it makes the development platform for knowledge based systems.

Quaestor logoQuaestor knowledge base logo

Quaestor + Knowledge base = knowledge based system: A combination used by Knowledge Engineers.

Knowledge based application

Furthermore, it is the fundament for a Quaestor project file that contains al project specific data and solutions in the knowledge based system.

Quaestor logoQuaestor knowledge base logo Quaestor project file logo

Quaestor + Knowledge base + Project = (knowledge based) application: A combination used by End-Users or Domain Experts.