The Quaestor knowledge base file (*.QKB) is the basic binary format for Quaestor knowledge bases. This file contains all knowledge, thus expression between parameters and objects, contraints, functions, links to external programs and templates etc. Moreover it can contain "static" or generic data. With static data we mean data that is constant and can be seen as knowledge (information, data with a meaning). 

Together with Quaestor, it makes the development platform for knowledge based systems.

Quaestor knowledge base logo Quaestor logo

Knowledge base + Quaestor, relevant for Knowledge Engineers

Furthermore, it is the fundament for a Quaestor project file that contains al project specific data and solutions in the knowledge based system.

Quaestor knowledge base logo Quaestor project file logoQuaestor logo

Knowledge base + Project + Quaestor relevant for users, End-Users or Domain Experts