The user can also choose to plot the data for specific headings as lines plots.
Much like contour plots, the user can make plots of the amplitude of the RAO for given channels, depth, roll, speed and heading. It is possible to choose more than one speed, roll or heading condition by holding the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting a condition. A double click on the heading wheel will select all headings at once.
The options for the plots are similar to the contour plots with frequency or period axis, and phases (wrapped or not). Additionally, it is possible in some cases to use encounter frequencies (or periods) for the X axis. This is possible if one speed and heading condition is selected. Finally, all channels can be plotted in one figure with the option all in 1
Some options might be disabled but still appear as turned on. This is a characteristic of windows interfaces: a toggle button that is disabled while it was turned on does not change in appearance. For example, it is possible to turn on the encounter option when only one speed and heading is selected. If a second heading or speed is then also selected, the button will appear on, but is disabled (it is not possible to turn it off). However, the x-axis will be as if the button was turned off, and the x-axis will be labeled as frequencies, and not encounter frequencies. The button is not turned off by RAOViewer |
Similarly to contour plots, the data can be plotted as RMS, SDA or mean values rather than RAO. In the Variation
option comes than one more possibility: Heading. The following figure shows as example the SDA of roll for various speeds as function of heading. This is obtained by selecting the roll channel, then the SDA plot mode, the Heading variation and finally all the speeds.