2.1    Include first singular obligatory Entity “Ship configurator”


To create the first Entity in your Taxonomy, first select the QTaxonomy object in the WorkbaseSelect the right mouse button menu Taxonomy>Include new Entity or press Ctrl+F3, see Figure 40. This opens the Entity Editor, see Figure 41.

Figure 40: Include new Entity

Figure 41: Entity editor

The Entity Editor contains Entity properties fields, Entity include/properties options and Entity type options. For the explanation of the fields and properties we refer to Knowledge Engineering getting started course Part 2.

The first Entity in a Taxonomy tree can only be Singular obligatory that means that this Entity will always be included during a dialogue. Provide the name “Ship configurator” in the field Entity Name and press “OK”. Now your first Entity is placed in the Taxonomy tree within the Workbase below QTaxonomy object, see Figure 42.

Every Entity automatically contains the standard Quaestor parameters: QEntityName and QEntityID. Both parameters will not be visible during a process dialogue for users. The unique value for QEntityID is automatically given by Quaestor and cannot be modified by a Knowledge Engineer.

In front of the Name in QEntityName you can see a prefix that indicates the type of Entity (in this case “_” means singular obligatory Entity). Each Entity type has his specific prefix. To change the name of an Entity you have to rename the Name within QEntitname.However, be aware that changing the prefix will also change the behavior of the Taxonomy tree!

Figure 42: Include first singular obligatory Entity "Ship configurator"

Please note properties filled in the Entity properties fields in the Entity Editor can always be included/edited after closing the Entity Editor.


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