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This document assumes you are using the latest public Quaestor release. You can check what is this latest release number here.

Realize that the following information is a generic description of the user interface. Specific content of a knowledge based system will determine on the specific information it presents. To make a separation between the responsibilities of Quaestor and of Quaestor and the developer of the knowledge based system, the Knowledge engineer, think about the following:

  1. Names, descriptions, links to documentations, pictures, process order, process elements, requested input and choices, etc. all is the responsibility of the knowledge base developer, the Knowledge engineer within the organisation;
  2. The way information is presented, how you are informed during the process, how to provide information, etc. is the responsibility of Quaestorof Quaestor;

Information on the knowledge based system should be mainly provided in the system itself together with external documentation such as a "Getting started" document to get you going.

The Quaestor interface The Quaestor interface is of a Multiple document interface [MDI] type. This means that it has one main window with several "child" windows inside this window. These Childs are representing separate functionalities of the system, such as, presenting information, browsing through knowledge, working with knowledge, etc.

The standard layout of the Childs in the interface will depend on the type of use (see User levels ). The most advanced users ( Knowledge Engineers ) need more information (thus more windows) than the most basic users. What type of user type/level you are can be checked in Quaestor using in Quaestor using the menu options Help>About QuaestorHelp>About Quaestor.

In the section 'Standard views' below you will find an overview of standard layouts, connected to a specific user type/level based on the user licence. Moreover, a description of all interface components is given.

1 Start-up of Quaestor

You can start Quaestor in start Quaestor in three ways:

  1. Double clicking the Quaestor program the Quaestor program shortcut;
  2. Double clicking the relevant knowledge base;
  3. Double clicking the relevant project file;

What will follow will depend on the way a knowledge base is protected and the type of user license you have (see also StartQuaestor and User levels for details).

1.1 In general


Users (either End-users or Domain Experts) will always work in a project file (*.qpf).

Thus, on starting a knowledge base (*.qkb), these users will always be prompted whether they want to create a new project for a knowledge base, or use an existing one.


When you answer to open an existing one, you get a dialog to open an existing project file. When you choose to create a new project, you are able to give a project name and open this project. When you choose Cancel in this dialog, Quaestor will  Quaestor will shut down.

Developers (Knowledge Engineers) are able to open knowledge bases and therefore will not automatically be requested to create a project. For protected knowledge bases, Knowledge Engineers will be prompted for a password.


Start of the protected "Example" knowledge base as Knowledge Engineer

1.2 Starting as End User

When you have an end-user license, using the Quaestor shortcuts will start Quaestor without the Quaestor shortcuts will start Quaestor without any knowledge base or with the knowledge base as defined in the Files tab of the Tools>Options window.

When Quaestor starts When Quaestor starts without a knowledge base, you have to select either a project or knowledge base through the File menu. When a default knowledge base is given in this Options windows ( Tools>Options ), Quaestor will  Quaestor will start with this default knowledge base followed by the request to create a new project or open an existing project (as discussed above).


When you double click a project, you will be either requested to provide a password (see also knowledge base protection or the project will open.

Note that in case a project is protected against unauthorized modification, an End-User will automatically open the project read-only.

1.3 Starting as Domain Expert

For a Domain Expert the behavior is mostly comparable to that of an end-user. The only difference is that for a password protected project, a Domain Expert will always be prompted for a password.

1.4 Starting as Knowledge Engineer

For a knowledge engineer, using the Quaestor shortcuts will start Quaestor with the Quaestor shortcuts will start Quaestor with an empty knowledge base named Newqkb as the first tree node below the standard Quaestor node in the knowledge browser.

When you double click a specific unprotected knowledge base, Quaestor will  Quaestor will start with this knowledge base presenting a node in the tree below the Newqkb node. Please note that this knowledge base is always protected against deleting frames, so you can still unprotect the knowledge base in the File menu.

When you open a protected knowledge base, you will be prompted to give the password or the option to start an existing or new project (the same dialog as for the users will than be shown).

Please note that, when you start a project, the view of the GUI will become the same as for normal users.

2 Standard views after startup (assumed resolution 1024 x 768)

The standard Quaestor GUI standard Quaestor GUI layout can be rearranged at any time by selecting the menu options: Window>Standard. As with the start-up of Quaestorof Quaestor, in general there are two standard views:

  1. As a user, thus when working in a project (for every user level);
  2. As a developer, thus when working as Knowledge Engineer in a knowledge base;

2.1 Standard view for an End-user, Domain expert and Knowledge Engineer using a project

For an End-User, a Domain Expert and a Knowledge Engineer in a project file, Window>Standard will result in:


Your screen will be divided into an Explanation window and a Workbase. The Explanation window provides all information about the items you select in the Workbase. The Workbase is your working area to carry out your processes/calculations, provide input and browse through all results.

Please note that specific details of the content inside the Workbase and presented in the Explanation window will always depend on the knowledge base itself.

2.2 Standard view for a Knowledge Engineer in a knowledge base

Window>Standard as an knowledge engineer in a knowledge base will result in:


As a Knowledge Engineer you will have two more windows in addition to the Explanation windowExplanation window and the WorkbaseKnowledge Browser and Slots & Properties.

The Knowledge Browser is your main access to the knowledge (such as parameters, relations, constraints) in the system (stored in frames).
The Slots & Properties window provides access to specific properties for the knowledge (or frames = parameters, relations, constraints) you are able to select in the Knowledge Browser.

Instead of the Explanation windowExplanation window, which is only for presentation, you also have the Frame Viewer. This Frame Viewer enables This Frame Viewer enables you to modify the reference and data slot information for a frame and the dimension of parameter frames. To get the Frame Viewer instead of the Explanation windowExplanation window, select "Use classic frame viewer" in the "Appearance" tab of the Options windows (Tools>Options...).

For more Knowledge Engineer specific information also go to User interface for the Knowledge Engineer.

3 General concept of the Interface for users


You give input and choices in the Workbase, the right part of the interface. And while doing so, you are provided with additional information on selected parameters or values in thethe Explanation window on the left side. The Explanation window will always follow your selection in the Workbase (either a tree item, something in the list or something in the table of thethe Workbase ). Furthermore, note that Quaestor also provides feedback by means of colors and font styles.


When a result is achieved. You can go through all input, intermediate and end results in the Workbase by selecting values and (in case of documents) double clicking values. Note that associated programs will start and load the associated files when you double click them. A Back to Quaestor window will appear on top of the started program in order to return toto Quaestor.

Like during the dialog, you will see that the results are presented in all kinds of colors and font styles. These colors and styles have a meaning, go to Quaestor Workbase colors and font styles to read about the details.
