The options window has the following tabs:
- General: all options related to general Quaestor use general Quaestor use such as user rights, setting files, etc.
- Files: all options related to file locations, backup settings, etc.
- Modeler: all options related to the modeler of Quaestorof Quaestor, modeling behavior, etc.
- Report: all options related to basic ASCII report generation
- Database: all options related to communication with the Quaestor project file database (QDB)
- Appearance: all options related appearance of the Quaestor interface
- Colors: all options related to colors in the Workbase
- Explanation: all options related to setting for the Explanation window
- BAL.Kman: all options related to communication with the BAL.Kman application of [BALance]
Quaestor interface