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Quaestor can be used in three ways, depending on your personal requirements and user license. See user See user levels documentation for documentation for more detail:

  1. As an application development and knowledge management platform (knowledge engineering);
  2. As an user platform (domain expert use)
  3. As a results viewer (end use),


Quaestor systems can be used in two levels:

  1. End-user or run time licence: 
    In this case Quaestor is usually part of a specific application (knowledge base) and can only be used with this application. Knowledge and models can neither be changed or added, nor removed. Without the application (knowledge base) Quaestor can be used as demo version.
  2. Domain expert
    In addition to an end-user, a “Domain expert” (DE) is allowed to assemble any model (Solution) using any (protected) knowledge base. Knowledge bases protected by knowledge engineers can sometimes still only be used as End user.

In addition you have a development level:

Knowledge engineer: A “Knowledge engineer” (KE) has full rights to develop and maintain knowledge bases. Knowledge bases protected by other knowledge engineers can still only be used as Domain expert or End user.

For more details see also: User levels and rights

Papers about Quaestor

These articles give more insight and show the power of Quaestor.

  • [Knowledge Based Computational Model Assembling]
  • [HME Innovation Award Qnowledge](Dutch)
  • [Schip & Werf](Dutch)