Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • Create a new class: Word report


  • Include the following


  • entities:
Example reportchild of “Data Data to Word report”reportSingular Entity Type: singular obligatory
Chapter 1: Main Dimensionschild of “Example report” Example reportSingular Entity Type: singular obligatory
Chapter 2: Deck datachild of “Example report” Example reportSingular Entity Type: singular obligatory

Image RemovedImage Added

In Entity “entity Example report, the main document will be created, which includes the separate documents of the Entities “entities Chapter 1: Main Dimensions“and “ and Chapter 2: Deck data.

  • Create the following parameters in the Knowledge Browser:

Parameter name


Determined by


In Class



USL: User of System/function

Report document

Word report



USL: User of System/function

Name of Word file

Word report



USL: User of System/function

Document tag

Word report



VR: User only

Word table style information

Font:=Arial 8.5
OutsideBorder:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth100pt wdColorAutomatic
InsideGrid:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth050pt wdColorAutomatic

Word report



USL: User of System/function

VBA Macro that is executed by MS Word

Word report



VR: User only

Mode for creating a VBA table macro by TELITAB2WORD() function.
0<EQ>Saves as WordMacro_TimeStamp_.bas on working directory and returns file name
1<EQ>Returns the complete VBA macro text

If Mode=1 is selected for manipulation by the knowledge engineer, it should be save using a PUT$() function

Word report



VR: User only

Orientation of Word table
0<EQ>Parameters per column 
1<EQ>Parameter per row

Word report


  • Include the


  • following parameters in entity Chapter 1: Main Dimensions


  • :


  • Loa


  • ,


  • Lpp


  • ,


  • Boa


  • ,


  • Dm


  • ,


  • Volume


  • ,


  • Document_Tag$


  • ,


  • Report_document$


  • and Word_file_name


  • .
  • Localize ("instantiate') parameter Volume and remove @MODIFY because you do not want to allow this here.
  • Create the following relations in


  • entity Chapter 1: Main Dimensions


  • :

Loa = ENTITY#(xx).Loa


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Main Dimensions



Lpp = ENTITY#(xx).Lpp


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Main Dimensions



Boa = ENTITY#(xx).Boa


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Main Dimensions



Dm = ENTITY#(xx).Dm


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Main Dimensions



Volume = ENTITY#(xx).


Volume where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Hydrostatics.

Document_Tag$ = "#" + Report_document$ + "#"

Word_file_name$ = "main_dimensions_" + STR$(TIME(0)) + ".doc"

Report_document$ = WINWORD$ Tutorial_taxonomy_maindimensions.rtf(Word_file_name$,0 , Boa, Dm, Loa, Lpp, Volume)

  • To show computed values during a dialogue write “@SHOW” behind “QEntityData”set attribute @SHOW on QEntityData.

In general, the function WINWORD$ opens and creates an RTF document, saves it as Word document and returns the name of the document. Normally, you have to create a an RTF document and store it on in the current applications directory (either of the knowledge base, located in Kbs\_<KnowledgeBaseName>\Applic, or the general Applic directory in My Knowledge). We have already created theTutorial_taxonomy_maindimensions.rtf document which you have to place in the right directory.  Download total tutorialImage Removed

Do the same for the documents report.rtf, Tutorial_deck_data.rtf and excel file Example.xls.

We have created a multi level approach with one main document (report.rtf) and several sub-documents (Tutorial_taxonomy_maindimensions. rtf) and (Tutorial_deck_data.rtf). A time stamp is included in the filenames. See the wiki for a detailed description of both functions the functions WINWORD$ and  and TIME().

For the second report chapter Entity we entity, do about the same as for the first chapter:

  • Include the


  • following parameters in entity Chapter 2: Deck data


  • : Deck_data#


  • ,


  • Document_Tag$


  • ,


  • Report_document$


  • ,


  • Word_file_name


  • ,


  • Mode


  • ,


  • TableStyle$


  • ,


  • Transposed


  • and VBA_Macro$


  • .
  • Create the following relations in


  • entity Chapter 2: Deck data


  • :

Deck_data# = ENTITY#(xx).Deck_data#


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entity Decks.

Mode = 0 (0<EQ>Saves as WordMacro_TimeStamp_.bas on working directory and returns file name)

Transposed = 0 (0<EQ>Parameters per column)


Document_Tag$ = "#" + Report_document$ + "#"

Word_file_name$ = "deck_data_" + STR$(TIME(0)) + ".doc"

Report_document$ = WINWORD$ Tutorial_deck_data.rtf(Word_file_name$, 0, VBA_Macro$)

VBA_Macro$ =  TELITAB2WORD$(Deck_data#, 1, TableStyle$, Transposed, Mode) 

  • To show computed values during a dialogue write “@SHOW” behind “QEntityData”Parameter “TableStyle$ contains the word set attribute @SHOW on QEntityData.

The TELITAB2WORD$ function returns a MS Word macro to create a table in Word based on a given Telitab set, in this case Telitab “Deck_data#”. See the wiki for a detailed description of TELITAB2WORD$ function.

Parameter TableStyle$ contains the Word table style information.

  • Create the relation as shown in Figure 84below. See the wiki for a detailed description of TEXTITEM$() function.

TableStyle$ = TEXTITEM$(1)

Expression Data:

Code Block




Font:=Arial 8.5

OutsideBorder:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth100pt wdColorAutomatic

InsideGrid:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth050pt wdColorAutomatic



 Expression Reference:

 Image Removed

Code Block
Word table style information





Font:=Arial 8.5

OutsideBorder:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth100pt wdColorAutomatic

InsideGrid:=wdLineStyleSingle wdLineWidth050pt wdColorAutomatic




Image AddedFigure 84: Parameter TableStyle$

Finally on the top level we make the overall report:

  • Include the


  • following parameters in entity Example report


  • :


  • Report_document$


  • and Word_file_name$.

TODO: ----name” and QEntityData”.

You have to modify the total report report.rtf in order to let the overall summary report do its work.

In the template of the total report report.rtf we added #ENTITY#(xx).Document_Tag$#. This is the reference to the parameters Document_Tag$# in the relevant Entities. You have to check whether the QEntityID of the two references in the template are correct. If you modify the RTF document, please remember to check it in Quaestor using the Tools>RTF Template Check... option.


  • Finally, create the following relations in


  • entity Example report:

Word_file_name$ = "Report_" + STR$(TIME(0)) + ".doc"

Report_document$ = WINWORD$ Report.rtf(Word_file_name$, 0 , ENTITY#(xx).Document_Tag$, ENTITY#(xxx).Document_Tag$)


where xx” is


the value of QEntityID of entityChapter 1: Main Dimensions


and “xxx” of


entity Chapter 2: Deck data



  • To show computed values during a dialogue write “@SHOW” behind “QEntityData”set attribute @SHOW on QEntityData.

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