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Please note that "Show hidden data (toggle Ctrl+H)" and "Show Taxonomy knowledge"  are disabled for End users.

Things you can select or deselect are:

  • "Use ; instead of , in range input": type of delimiters for a range input, a comma (,) or semy-colon (;);
  • "Show classic inference dialogue": in the classic inference dialogue you are able to indicate whether you want to accept or reject a proposed relation. By default this is now not enabled as this is rather specialised use of Quaestorof Quaestor;
  • "Show hidden data (toggle Ctrl+H)": show the parameters containing an @HIDE attribute. Note that these parameters will be hidden in both the Workbase and Knowledge Browser;
  • "Show Taxonomy knowledge": Specific model presentation option for Taxonomy type of applications, ...;
  • "Check for PENDING input in entity tree": Specific modeling option for Taxonomy type of applications, ...;
  • "Inherit input from previous branch": Specific modeling option for Taxonomy type of applications, ...;
  • "Check for Project Dataset re-use" when enabled it will warn in normal applications that the dataset is re-used for another solution;
  • "Show XML messages": this is a debugging option for control of Quaestor by means of XML communication ( QSERV + HeadlessQ ). The XML threads are saved in the project directory of the application used for debugging ( see the default directory structure );
  • "Input screening": a modeling option...;
  • "Stepwise": a modeling option...;
  • "Check results calculated by Solver": a modeling option...;
  • "Init all results on recalculate": makes sure that all results are reinitiated on a recalculation. This forces Quaestor to recalculate all intermediate and end-results when recalculating a solution;
  • "Input accuracy warning": let Quaestor warn the user when the solver is not able to reach an smaller error than defined in the System accuracy (see combo box in the option window);
  • "Input range checking on NN, U etc.": let Quaestor warn the user when range input does not correspond with the defined Value range in Slots & Properties;
  • "Continue session at end of list": define whether you should automatically continue while providing input in a list and reaching the last parameter, or whether you should press the play or "Accept input & Continue" button;
  • "Modeling wizard": activate to use the modeling wizard instead of the classic way to add frames.
  • "Modeling interaction in hybrid solution": at this moment experimental. Will be documented upon official release of the functionality.


  • The preferred Solution setting. This is the type of values you want to see by default. For instance only the Top Goals. Put the combo box on  Top Goal(s) and after reaching a solution, only the top goal is presented. By changing teh presentation options in the Workbase you can still see anything;
  • Choose between a Newton Raphson method [1] for the solver or a Quasi Newton Raphson method [2].
  • System accuracy. This accuracy is used for the solver to decide when to determine a solution is received, so, when the calculated error is smaller than the specified accuracy. Furthermore, in a multi-case problem the accuracy is used for Quaestor to decide whether two values for the same parameter are different and should different cases. For example, when the System accuracy is 0.1 and you provide a range of 0.2 and 0.21 Quaestor will not conclude these are two cases and will use the first value (0.2) as a value. But this is expecially inconvenicent for intermediate results. When in the same example the input will result into two cases, but intermediate result are 0.3 and 0.34, as the accuracy is 0.1, Quaestor will not recognise these are two different cases and will present them as one.
    However, realise that making the accuracy to small will cause problems for the solver. It might cause instability of the solver and unability to find solutions (for more details on this aspect, please search for further information on numerical mathematics or contact Martin van Hees). Note that the default value is 0.001. This value is good averaged value based on more than 20 years of experience with Quaestor applications. 


Quaestor interface | Tools > Options... | Options Report