Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 71


When Quaestor is started, an empty knowledge base is automatically created. 

 In the Knowledge browser, minimize the Quaestor node, and expand the NewQkb node (figure 1).


  •     Lpp: Length between perpendiculars

  •     B: Moulded breadth

  •     T: Draught from keel to Construction Water Line

     In the Knowledge browser  Top Goals/Undefined and select new Class (Ctrl+N). Provide the class with the name Main Dimensions. Note that the input box will already contain the word "Goals". To make a new class, delete Goals and write your class name (in this case Main Dimensions). Sub classes can be defined by adding the main class with sub classes separated by points: Goals.Sub goal


 Select the class Main Dimensions in the right-hand side of the knowledge browser, and select New Parameter/Function(Ctrl+I), see figure 3. Note that the last parameter in focus will be shown in the input field (most probably QKnowledgebaseVersion). Delete this parameter, type Lpp and click the Value button. Repeat these actions for the parameters B and T.


In order to define the loading capacity of the ship, it’s important to know the kind of water (Salt or Fresh) the ship will sail in. Therefore, we will add some relations and constraints, and make sure the user can select the watertype.


Note that when you enter a relation, Quaestor provides as much help as possible by means of the Help Checker. This checker shows what to expect (in this case a Value or an Expression, ValExp).  After saving a relation, the Help Checker will check the syntax for possible errors, and shows a warning message when something is wrong.


Let's perform our first Quaestor calculation. A solution is always determined by one or more Top Goals. A top goal is a parameter (or object) that is your final calculation target, in this tutorial it's the displacement of the ship. 


As mentioned in the objective, we'd like to create a dataset of systematically varied ships. We could of course perform several calculations with different input data by hand, but it's much easier to use the ability of Quaestor to create multiple case solutions. To keep the complexity of this example within reason, we will only vary the breadth and length of the vessel. Please note that due to some important conceptual reasons the latest Quaestor release can only perform calculations on ranges of parameters when you alreade have created a solution.


The new solution is now created. The fixed values are again shown in the right hand side of the workbase. The varying parameters (B and Lpp) and the corresponding solution for DISP are shown in the lower part. Each row is a different case, identified by a case number(#1, #2, etc.), see figure 16.
