Versions Compared


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  •     Lpp: Length between perpendiculars

  •     B: Moulded breadth

  •     T: Draught from keel to Construction Water Line

     In the Knowledge browser  Top  Top Goals/Undefined and select new Class Undefined and select new Class (Ctrl+N). Provide the class with the name Main name Main Dimensions. Note that the input box will already contain the word "Goals". To make a new class, delete Goals and write your class name (in this case Main Dimensions). Sub classes can be defined by adding the main class with sub classes separated by points: Goals.Sub goal


The class is now shown in the knowledgebase tree, and we can add the parameters Lpp, B and T.

 Select the class Main class Main Dimensions in the right-hand side of the knowledge browser, and select New Parameter/Function(Ctrl+I), see figure 3. Note that the last parameter in focus will be shown in the input field (most probably QKnowledgebaseVersion). Delete this parameter, type Lpp and click the Value button. Repeat these actions for the parameters B and T.


The first requirement is already satisfied, so let's assign dimensions to the parameters.

 Select the Lpp in the Lpp in the Knowledge Browser. In the Frame Viewer, change the ? sign to m, the dimension for Lpp (meters). A list of possible dimensions is automatically shown when you type.


On the basis of the earlier defined parameters and the block coefficient Cb Cb , the displacement of the ship can be calculated.

   Add the following relation to the class Main class Main Dimensions:

which defines the displacement of the ship in tons

Note that two new parameters are created: the block coefficient Cb and the displacement DISPcoefficient Cb and the displacement DISP. In order to keep the knowledgebase meaningful, it is necessary to provide references, dimensions and determined by values for these parameters.

  Provide references, dimensions and determined by values for Cb and DISP. Cb has no dimension (-), DISP should be in tons (t). Just press ok if Quaestor notes press ok if Quaestor notes that tons is no base dimension (kg), it is just to inform you. We covered this by dividing DISP by 1000. The determined by values should be VRbe VR: User Only for Only for Cb, and SYSand SYS: System System/Equation for Equation for DISP, as the block coefficient is input and the displacement is determined by a relation.


Let's perform our first Quaestor calculation. A solution is always determined by one or more Top Goals. A top goal is a parameter (or object) that is your final calculation target, in this tutorial it's the displacement of the ship. 

   Select the class Main Dimensions in class Main Dimensions in the knowledge browser. Double click the parameter DISPparameter DISP.

Note that the  sign of DISP changed to , indicating that it's a top goal for the calculation.


  In the workbase, click the  button when you use classic buttons or the "Create Solution" button when you use the Workbase buttons to start the calculation with top goal DISPgoal DISP.

The calculation progress is started, and Quaestor first collects all input data (figure 10).


   In the workbase, select the solution you have already created (called the same as the top-goal parameter DISPparameter DISP). Restart the solution by pressing the  or "Redo Solution" button in the workbase. Quaestor will present the previous input, change the following input:


What does the Case matrix question mean?  Note that the variations of B do not correspond to the variations of Lpp: there are 5 values for B and 8 values for Lpp. If we would have answered No to answered No to the Case matrix question, five variations of B would have been made, each one with the corresponding value of Lpp (the last 3 Lpp values would be omitted). In that way, there would be only five cases. As we answered yes to answered Yes to the question, all possible combinations are considered, which results in 5*8=40 cases. You can easily notice the difference by creating a new solution with the same input values, but now answer no to the case matrix question.


Our multiple case solution table is sorted by the breadth of the ship, as shown in figure 16. Suppose we'd like parameter Lpp Lpp the leading parameter in this table.

    In the knowledge browser, select the parameter Lpp. In the Slots & Properties window, scroll down to the row Output row Output to, and select HEADER select HEADER (figure 17). Now, refresh the table of the multiple case solution by clicking another solution, and then again the multiple case solution. The table is now leaded by Lpp.


   In the workbase, select the last (multiple case) DISP solution, and click the   or "Filter" button. The filter window shows. For DISP, select Range as select Range as filter, fill in 2000 for Lower bound and 3000 for upper bound in 2000 for Lower bound and 3000 for upper bound (figure 18). Click the Applybuttonthe Apply button.


 Figure 18   With a filter, cases that do not fulfill the filter conditions can be made invisible
