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Tutorial 1





Learning goals

  1. Getting


  1. familiar with


  1. Quaestor interface.
  2. Adding functions


  1. and constraints.
  2. Providing references


  1. and properties for


  1. parameters.


  1. Creating a multiple


  1. case solution.

Prior knowledge


1    Objective

As mentioned erlier earlier these tutorils re tutorials are focussing on providing the bsic basic skills of knowledge of knowledge engineering. In this first tutoriltutorial, the min main dimensions of a ship will be systemticlly vriedsystematically varied. The knowledge used is Archimedes’ Lw Law in combintion combination with design requirements, which re are the following:

The ship should hvehave

  • displcement a displacement of at least 2000 t lest 2000 t, but less thn than 3000 t;
  • drft a draft of 6 m.

Our objective is to generte dtset of systemticlly vried ships tht generate a dataset of systematically varied ships that meet the design critericriteria.

2    Before we



Before strting starting with your knowledge your knowledge engineering, plese mke please make sure you re ctully are actually using the knowledge engineering user level nd you hve Questor configured engineering user level and you have Quaestor configured in the most convenient lyoutlayout.

To check/chnge change your user level go to the generl tb general tab of  Tools>Options. You cn chnge can change your User level. If you re are not ble able to chnge change it to Knowledge Engineer (level 3), you do not hve KE rights. Plese contct have KE rights. Please contact your ICT deprtment department or Qnowledge for the proper license.

Furhtermore, for editing ll all kinds of properties it is convenient to use the Frame Viewer. Therefore in the  Apperence tb Appeareance tab of Tools>Options select "Use clssic frme classic frame viewer".



Creating parameters

When Quaestor is started, an


When Questor is strted, n empty knowledge bse base is utomticlly cretedautomatically created

Image Added In the Knowledge browser, minimize the 


Quaestor node,


and expand the NewQkb node (figure 1).

Image Added

Figure 1    Expnding Expanding the Newqkb node

When the knowledgebse knowledgebase node is expndedexpanded, the clsses classes within the knowledgebse re knowledgebase are visible. Clsses re Classes are used to orgnise organise your prmetersparameters, nd and put them in prcticble a practicable structure. The Top GolsGoals/Undefined clss class is prt part of the knowledge bse base by defultdefault. Here, the gol prmeters goal parameters of your clcultion calculation (Top GolsGoals) cn can be stored, s as well s as other prmeters tht parameters that don't belong to other clsses classes (Undefined).

We'll crete new clss nmed Min create a new class named Main Dimensions, in which the following ship prmeters re parameters are to be stored.

  •     Lpp: Length between perpendiculrsperpendiculars

  •     B: Moulded bredthbreadth

  •     T: Drught Draught from keel to Construction Wter Water Line

    Image Added In the Knowledge browser Image Added Top GolsGoals/Undefined nd Undefined and select new Clss Class (Ctrl+N). Provide the clss class with the nme Min name Main Dimensions. Note tht that the input box will lredy contin already contain the word "GolsGoals". To mke make a new clssclass, delete Gols nd Goals and write your clss nme class name (in this cse Min case Main Dimensions). Sub clsses cn classes can be defined by dding adding the min clss main class with sub clsses seprted classes separated by points: GolsGoals.Sub golgoal

Image Added

Figure 2    Creting Creating a new clss class in the knowledge bsebase 

The clss class is now shown in the knowledgebse knowledgebase tree, nd and we cn dd can add the prmeters parameters Lpp, B nd and T.

Image Added Select the


class Main Dimensions. Image Added in the right-


hand side of the knowledge browser,


and select New


Parameter/Function(Ctrl+I), see figure 3. Note


that the


last parameter in focus will be shown in the input field (most


probably QKnowledgebaseVersion). Delete this


parameter, type Lpp 


and click


the Value button.


Repeat these


actions for the


parameters B


and T.

Image Added 

Figure 3    By right clicking in the right-hnd hand side of the knowledge browser, prmeters cn parameters can be dded added 

The dded prmeters ll pper added parameters all appear like this:

Image Added 

The red cross is a sign tht that the prmeter parameter is not yet fully defined for the system.
In Questor, vlid prmeter hsIn Quaestor, a valid parameter has:

  • A unique nmename;
  • A dimension (or ssigned assigned dimensionless);
  • A wy way to be determined: input from the user or defined by reltiona relation.

The first requirement is lredy stisfiedalready satisfied, so let's ssign assign dimensions to the prmetersparameters.

Image Added Select the Lpp in the Knowledge Browser. In the Frame Viewer,


change the ? sign to m, the dimension for Lpp (meters). A list of possible dimensions is


automatically shown when you type.

In the lrger re larger area of the Frame Viewer,  reference cn can be ssigned assigned to the prmeterparameter. A proper reference is importntimportant, s as users of the knowledgebse my knowledgebase may not be certin certain of the exct mening exact meaning of the prmeter. Plese lso red  for more detils.parameter. Please also read Documentation of knowledge for more details.

Image Added Provide Lpp with the reference Length of the ship (figure 4).

Image Added 

Figure 4   In the Frame Viewer, a dimension nd and reference cn can be ssigned assigned to the prmeterparameter

NOTE: The dimension of prmeter cn lso be ssigned in the  windowa parameter can also be assigned in the Slots & Properties window. Just scroll down to the Dimension row, nd chnge and change the vluevalue.

 Image Added Assign a dimension


and a reference to the other


parameters B


and T, just


as described


above. Of course, the


breadth and depth of the ship


are defined in meters.

Now only the lst last requirement for vlid prmeters hs valid parameters has yet to be fulfilled:

  •  A wy way to be determined: input from the user or defined by reltiona relation.

This qulifiction cn qualification can be provided in the Slots & mp; Properties window.

Image Added Select the


parameter LPP. In the Slots &


Properties window, scroll down to the Determined by row.


Change the


value to VR: User only,


as the


parameter LPP is input (


instead of defined by


a relation), see figure 5.

Image Added 

Figure 5    Let Questor know Let Quaestor know how prmeter a parameter should be determined     

Notice tht that the sttus status of LPP hs chnged has changed to

Image Added

to show tht Questor knows that Quaestor knows enough bout about this prmeter parameter to use it in computtionl a computational model.


Image Added Make sure


that B


and T


are determined by VR (


Value Requested):User only too.

Note tht bove that above you hve have explicitly dded added Lpp, B nd and T s prmeters as parameters to the knowledge bsebase
You re lso ble are also able to implicitly dd prmeter by creting reltions tht contin new prmeters. Questor will utomticlly dd these new prmeters add parameter by creating relations that contain new parameters. Quaestor will automatically add these new parameters to your knowledge bse base (so implicitly). You will see this next.



Creating relations

In order to define the loding cpcity loading capacity of the ship, it’s importnt important to know the kind of wter water (Slt Salt or Fresh) the ship will sil sail in. Therefore, we will dd some reltions nd constrints, nd mke add some relations and constraints, and make sure the user cn can select the wtertypewatertype.

We'll dd add two reltionsrelations, one for slt wter nd salt water and one for fresh wterwater.

Image Added  Select Top


Goals/Undefined in the knowledge browser, Image Added in the right


hand side and select New


Relation (Ctrl+N). In the upper


part of the new window, delete


any proposal (Quaestor may have filled in the


last selected




and enter

Rho = 1025

(belonging to


salt water),


and press 


Save (figure 6).

Image Added

 Figure 6   Entering reltiona relation 

Note tht that when you enter reltion, Questor provides s a relation, Quaestor provides as much help s as possible by mens means of the Help Checker. This checker shows wht what to expect (in this cse Vlue or n case a Value or an Expression, ValExp).  After sving reltionsaving a relation, the Help Checker will check the syntx syntax for possible errors, nd shows wrning messge and shows a warning message when something is wrong.

Becuse Because of entering the reltionrelation, the prmeter parameter Rho hs utomticlly has automatically been cretedcreated. Furthermore, note nd relise tht the prmeter is creted and realise that the parameter is created in the Clss Class in focus when sving saving the reltionrelation. For Rho to be vlid prmetera valid parameter, a dimension should be ssignedassigned.

Image Added  Provide a reference for rho


and assign it the dimension kg/m^3. Rho is now


a valid parameter. Furthermore,


make sure rho is determined by SYS: System/


Equation, as a relation is used to determine rho.

The following might seem a bit unconventionlunconventional: a second reltion relation is given for Rho. This is a nice exmple example of how questor quaestor works: In clcultiona calculation, Questor cn  Quaestor can find numerous clcultion pths nd utomticlly calculation paths and automatically chooses the most ppropite appropiate one bsed on constrints nd vilble dtbased on constraints and available data. An infinite number of reltions cn relations can be ssigned assigned to one prticulr prmeterparticular parameter.   

Image Added  Add the following


relation (belonging to fresh


water) in


a similar way as described above

Rho = 998



Creating constraints

The two reltions relations for the density of the wter re water are only vlid valid for their corresponding wtertypewatertype. Therefore,  constrint constraint is dded added to ech reltioneach relation. A constrint constraint is simply a restriction for the vlidity validity of the reltionrelation.

Image Added  Double click Top


Goals/Undefined in the knowledge browser:


all relations in that class are shown (this will work for


any class). One


can always edit a relation by selecting it


and pressing F2 (or 


Image Added and select edit). This is


also a useful method to find out which


relation you


actually selected.

Now Image Added the


relation Rho =


1025 and select 


Constraint->Add New. In the upper


part of the new window enter the following




Watertype$= "SW"


and press Save (figure 7).

 Image Added

Figure 7   Adding constrint a constraint to reltiona relation

The constrint constraint is now dded, nd prmeter nmed Wtertype$ hs been cretedadded, and a parameter named Watertype$ has been created. The $ t at the end of the prmeter nme mkes sure Questor recognizes it s  String vlue, nd parameter name makes sure Quaestor recognizes it as a String value, and the dimension Str is utomticlly ssigned automatically assigned (see lso Questor syntxalso Quaestor syntax. We hve have to ssign  assign a determined by vlue  value to mke it vlid prmetermake it a valid parameter.

Image Added  Mke Make sure Wtertype$ Watertype$ is determined by VR: User Only, s as the user should provide the informtion information concerning the wter water type.

We repet repeat the process for the other reltionrelation

Image Added  Add the




Watertype$ = "FW" to the


relation Rho=998. Note


that the expression editor


assist you with the


presentation of existing


parameters and intrinsic function. When you press enter while


an existing


parameter or function is blue, this


parameter or function is


placed in the expression editor.

Both reltions re relations are now connected to the corresponding wtertype watertype by mens means of the vlue value of the string Wtertype$Watertype$. Note if Rho is needed in the clcultion calculation progress, Qustor Quastor will note tht that the wtertype watertype is needed nd and will sk ask the user for this vlue value (becuse because it is ssigned assigned User Only).

TIP: By selecting prmeter a parameter in the knowledge bse nd base and then double clicking the box below the knowledge bse base tree, the reltions defining tht prticulr prmeter re relations defining that particular parameter are visible (figure 8).
Moreover, when you select reltion a relation in the knowledge bsebase, nd and double click tht that box, the prmeters tht cn be clculted parameters that can be calculated by the selected reltion re relation are shown.
When single clicking the box, ll all connections to the prmeter parameter or reltion re relation are shown. See lso informtion also information on the Knowledge Browser.

Image Added

 Figure 8   When selecting prmeter nd a parameter and double clicking the box indicted indicated by the blue rrowarrow, ll reltions defining tht prmeter re  all relations defining that parameter are shown.



Creating a dropdown menu

Becuse Because there re are only two possible vlues values for Wtertype$ Watertype$ (SW or FW), it's esy easy to integrte integrate a dropdown box. 

 Image Added  Select


Watertype$ in the knowledge browser,


and add the following text


as reference text in the


frame viewer (figure 9):







Image Added 

Figure 9   A dropdown box is creted created by entering this informtion information in the reference slot of the frme frame viewer

The use of a dropdown box will be cler in lter stge clear in a later stage of this tutoriltutorial, when clcultions re mdecalculations are made. Note tht you cn dd the  ttribute that you can add the @EQEXPLAIN attribute to the dt data slot of the Wtertype$ prmeter (see  for dt Watertype$ parameter (see Frame Viewer for data slot)  in order to mnipulted tht manipulated that only "SltwterSaltwater" nd and "FreshwterFreshwater" re are shown (so without SW nd and FW).



Creating a relation for the



On the bsis basis of the erlier earlier defined prmeters nd parameters and the block coefficient Cb coefficient Cb , the displcement displacement of the ship cn can be clcultedcalculated.

 Image Added  Add the following


relation to the


class Main Dimensions:

DISP= Cb*Lpp*B*T*Rho/1000

which defines the


displacement of the ship in tons

Note tht that two new prmeters re cretedparameters are created: the block coefficient Cb nd coefficient Cb and the displcement DISPdisplacement DISP. In order to keep the knowledgebse meningfulknowledgebase meaningful, it is necessry necessary to provide references, dimensions nd and determined by vlues values for these prmetersparameters.

Image Added  Provide references, dimensions


and determined by


values for Cb


and DISP. Cb


has no dimension (-), DISP should be in tons (t). Just


press ok if Quaestor notes that tons is no


base dimension (kg), it is just to inform you. We covered this by dividing DISP by 1000. The determined by


values should be VR: User Only for Cb,


and SYS: System/


Equation for DISP,


as the block coefficient is input


and the


displacement is determined by


a relation.



Creating a solution

Let's perform our first Questor clcultionfirst Quaestor calculation. A solution is lwys always determined by one or more Top GolsGoals. A top gol goal is prmeter a parameter (or object) tht that is your finl clcultion trgetfinal calculation target, in this tutoril tutorial it's the displcement displacement of the ship. 

 Image Added  Select the


class Main Dimensions in the knowledge browser. Double click the


parameter DISP.

Note tht that the Image Added sign of DISP chnged changed to Image Added, indicting tht indicating that it's a top gol goal for the clcultioncalculation.

Clcultions nd solutions re mnged Calculations and solutions are managed in the workbseworkbase. Here, solutions cn can be cretedcreated, redone (with different dtdata), exmined nd examined and deleted. 

Image Added  In the


workbase, click the Image Added button when you


use classic buttons or the "


Create Solution" button when you use


the Workbase buttons to start the calculation with top


goal DISP.

The clcultion calculation progress is strtedstarted, nd Questor first and Quaestor first collects ll all input dt data (figure 10).

Image Added 

 Figure 10   Input dt data for the clcultioncalculation

Entering dt data is esyeasy: just type vlue a value for ech each selected prmeter nd parameter and press enter to switch to the next one.

Image Added  Enter the following


data for our first



        B= 10   Cb= 0.55   Lpp= 60   T= 6  


Watertype$= SW (


Salt Water)

Note tht that the input of Wtertype$ Watertype$ consists of a dropdownbox, which we creted created in (4), see figure 11. 

Image Added 

 Figure 11   Wtertype$ cn Watertype$ can be selected in a dropdownbox

After providing the dt data you hve have to press the Image Added button or "Accept input & mp; Continue" button to continue. The ctul clcultion actual calculation is strted started now, nd and the right-hnd hand side of the workbse workbase shows the sitution situation of figure 13. During the clcultioncalculation, the box indicted indicated with the blue rrow arrow shows the sttus status of the clcultioncalculation.

Becuse Because this is a very simple exmpleexample, the finl stte is lost immeditely final state is alost immediately shown.

Image Added

Figure 13   Sttus Status of the clcultion nd calculation and solution

The top gol goal (DISP) is shown, together with ll prmeters tht all parameters that were used for the clcultioncalculation. With these input vluesvalues, the displcement displacement of the ship is bout about 2030 tons.

9    Multiple


case solutions

So frfar, we creted created one solution, which is shown in the workbse workbase (figure 14).

Image Added

 Figure 14   All solutions re are shown in the workbseworkbase 

As mentioned in the objective, we'd like to crete dtset of systemticlly vried create a dataset of systematically varied ships. We could of course perform severl clcultions several calculations with different input dt data by hndhand, but it's much esier easier to use the bility of Questor to crete multiple cse ability of Quaestor to create multiple case solutions. To keep the complexity of this exmple example within resonreason, we will only vry vary the bredth nd breadth and length of the vessel. Plese Please note tht that due to some importnt conceptul resons the ltest Questor relese cn important conceptual reasons the latest Quaestor release can only perform clcultions calculations on rnges ranges of prmeters parameters when you lrede hve creted alreade have created a solution.

Image Added   In the


workbase, select the solution you


have already created (called the same as the top-


goal parameter DISP).


Restart the solution by pressing the Image Added or "Redo Solution" button in the




 Quaestor will present the previous input,


change the following input:

B= 9(0.5)11 m    Lpp= 55(2)69 m

In this


way, B


and Lpp


are defined by


a range, given the


start value, step size


and end


value. For


example, Lpp is defined from 55 to 69 meter, with steps of 2 meter.


Quaestor will ask if it should


create a case matrix for Lpp (figure 15), click yes (


an explanation will follow).

 Image Added

Figure 15    Questor sks if cse mtrix 15    Quaestor asks if a case matrix should be cretedcreated 

You will see tht that the single vlue value input is still in the list nd and the multi cse vlues re case values are in the tble prt table part of the Workbase. Press the Image Addedbutton or "Accept input & mp; Continue" button to continue.

The new solution is now cretedcreated. The fixed vlues re gin values are again shown in the right hnd hand side of the workbseworkbase. The vrying prmeters varying parameters (B nd and Lpp) nd and the corresponding solution for DISP re are shown in the lower prtpart. Ech Each row is a different csecase, identified by  cse case number(#1, #2, etc.), see figure 16.

Image Added

Figure 16    Multiple cse case solutions re are shown in the workbseworkbase, ech each row is a different cse case 

Wht What does the Cse mtrix Case matrix question menmean?  Note tht that the vritions variations of B do not correspond to the vritions variations of Lpp: there re are 5 vlues values for B nd and 8 vlues values for Lpp. If we would hve nswered No to the Cse mtrix have answered No to the Case matrix question, five vritions variations of B would hve have been mdemade, ech each one with the corresponding vlue value of Lpp (the lst last 3 Lpp vlues values would be omitted). In tht wythat way, there would be only five csescases. As we nswered yes to answered yes to the question, ll all possible combintions re combinations are considered, which results in 5*8=40 csescases. You cn esily can easily notice the difference by creting creating a new solution with the sme same input vluesvalues, but now nswer no to answer no to the cse mtrix case matrix question.

NOTE: Rnges cn Ranges can be defined in multiple wysways

  • Individul vlues cn be seprted by comm’sIndividual values can be separated by comma’s: 9, 10, 11 or, when in the Modeller tb tab of Tools>Options you hve have selected "Use ";" insted instead of "," in rnge range input", the seprtion separation is by mens means of a semi colon (;);
  • You cn can define rnge a range with a begin, n an end nd and number of steps (intervlsintervals): 9(&mp;2)11;
  • You cn can define rnge a range with a begin, n an end nd and a step size: 9(1)11;
  • You cn can define rnge a range with a begin, n an end nd and a step size, including the lst last element when this is smller thn smaller than the whole mount amount of steps: 9(#1)11.5;



Manage solutions

Our multiple cse case solution tble table is sorted by the bredth breadth of the ship, s as shown in figure 16. Suppose we'd like prmeter Lpp the leding prmeter parameter Lpp the leading parameter in this tbletable.

 Image Added   In the knowledge browser, select the


parameter Lpp. In the Slots &


Properties window, scroll down to the row Output to,


and select HEADER (figure 17). Now, refresh the


table of the multiple


case solution by clicking


another solution,


and then


again the multiple


case solution. The


table is now


leaded by Lpp.

Image Added

 Figure 17   By selecting Output to HEADER, the prmeter parameter will 'ledlead' the multiple cse case solution tbletable

A lot of cses cases in our solution don't meet the design critericriteria: displcement a displacement between 2000 nd and 3000 ton. We could hve have fixed this by dding constrint adding a constraint to DISP, but nother wy another way is to use  filter in the solution tbletable.

Image Added   In the


workbase, select the


last (multiple


case) DISP solution,


and click the Image Added  or "Filter" button. The filter window shows. For DISP,


select Range as filter, fill in 2000 for Lower


bound and 3000 for upper bound (figure 18). Click the Applybutton.

Image Added 

 Figure 18   With a filter, cses tht cases that do not fulfill the filter conditions cn can be mde made invisible

Now, only the cses cases for which 2000<DISP<3000 re are shown in the tbletable. Our objective hs has been completed:  we build dtset of systemticlly vried ships tht a dataset of systematically varied ships that meet the design critericriteria.

11    Check

You cn can verify your results by compring it to < style="text-decortion: none;">[Tutoril comparing it to [Tutorial 1 Finished] 

Continue to tutoril tutorial 2 >>