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SELECTFILE$ opens the Windows file dialogue and returns the file selected


SELECTFILE$(DialogueTitle$, Dir$, Filter$)


  • DialogueTitle$ contains a string with the title or "Caption" of the file dialogue
  • Dir$ contains the first path where to look for files, e.g.: "\\Ma013srv\Data" or "C:\Program Files\Quaestor\Data". "NullString" can be provided if the file should be selected in the current Report directory (see Directory structure
  • Filter$ contains the file filter set for the dialogue, e.g.: "Telitab Files (*.qdb)|*.qdb|External Process Output Files (*.epo)|*.epo" or "MMS data Files (*.mms)|*.mms"


Selection from a list of different types

SELECTFILE$("Open the relevant TeLiTab file or program output...", "C:\Data\", "Telitab Files (*.qdb)|*.qdb|External Process Output Files (*.epo)|*.epo|All Files (*.*)|*.*")

returns a file dialogue with the filters:


Selection from groeps of file types

SELECTFILE$("Open the relevant picture...", "C:\Data\", "Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*")

returns a file dialogue with the filters:






Quick links: Function overview | Attribute overview | Constants overview | Dimensions overview