Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • expression1 is the argument parameter (or expression) whereas expression2 is the value which is compared with expression1.
  • ComparisonArgument determines the comparison of the expressions. Possible arguments are:
    • EQ -> Equal to (=)
    • NE -> Not Equal to ()
    • LT -> Lower Then (<)
    • GT -> Greater Then (>)
    • LE -> Lower or Equal to (<=)
    • GE -> Greater of Equal to (=>)
  • Please note that in addition to the two letter operators you can also use the logical operators itself.


IF(x,GT,lower bound value)*IF(x,LT,upper bound value)


IF(x>lower bound value)*IF(x<upper bound value)
