Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  •  is optional and contains text between quotes for each line. If only DOCUMENT blocks are used, the TeLiTab should start with an empty line;

  •  indicates the start of a document section which is related to  of case . So  is the starting tag for the document-value of the list parameter , or its first case in a table;

  • Document$ contains text with CrLf's;
  •  indicates the end of a document section which is related to  of case . So  is the ending tag for the document-value of the list parameter , or its first case in a table;

  • The DOCUMENT block should always close with a  tag;

  • Each DOCUMENT block is representing the documents on its own level in the TeLiTab (see the schematic recursive figure above).
  • The parameter containing a document  defined by  should have as value in the list or table;

  •  is an integer value indicating the number of parameters in the list;

  •  is the parameter name (between quotes and unique in that level of the TeLiTabSo, although the syntax shows several ParName items, they cannot have the same name!);

  • is the value of the parameter;

  •  is an integer value indicating the number of parameters in the table, when using a negative value Quaestor expects a transposed TeLiTab with parameter on the rows and cases as columns;

  •  is the parameter name (between quotes and unique in that level of the TeLiTabSo, although the syntax shows several 


     items, they cannot have the same name!);

  •  is the maximun case row or column number;

  •  is the value of the parameter;

  • For both list and table values, please note that string values should always be between double quotes;
  • A parameter should always be of the same type (either STRING, TeLiTab, VALUE or OBJECT) within the same TeLiTab structure;
  • Each nested telitab starts with  and ends with , which should both be provided on a new line: ListNo%
     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal

  • In a list TeLiTab or OBJECT values are provided at the end of the list. So they should not be followed by any additional string or value parameters;
  •  If TeLiTab or OBJECT values have to be included in the table,

     TableNo% should

      should be the total number of table parameters, including the TeLiTab or OBJECT parameters. This is not really surprising as the OBJECT or TeLiTab parameters for these values are indeed part of the Table. However, the structure is difference in only blocks

    with { and  } divide

    with  and   divide the different values:

     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal
     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal



  1. Parameter names, strings, documents and case numbers should always be between quotes;
  2. As mentioned: each parameter within the same TeLiTab should have a unique name;
  3. Because a parameter can be either a single value or an object with several values, a parameter can be an Object, and, an Object is also a parameter. However, a parameter should always be of the same type (either STRING, TeLiTab, VALUE or OBJECT) within the same TeLiTab structure;
  4. Moreover, an Object or TeLiTab has the same structure in a TeLiTab set;
  5. Parameters can have documents as values, in that case ParVal for this parameter should be replaced with 


    . These document are defined as a block after the text part and prior to the list parameters. If the text part is NOT provided the TeLiTab should start with an empty line. This should be the case on any TeLiTab level. A document is basically a set of strings (text) with character returns;

  6. A telitab with a table but no list has to start with a 0, indicating that there are no list values;
  7. A transposed table has a negative values for the number of parameters (the cases become collums and the parameters rows);
  8. As shown, a multi-case object might have a different amount of parameters voor each case (and contain no optional stuff);


  1. With list values Lpp and B;
  2. A table with V and R;


        "2"  1200  11
        "3"  1300  12
        "4"  1400  13
        "5"  1500  14
        "6"  1600  15You could consider to define a seperate object or TeLiTab "Resistance" that containt the resistance data. In that case the Resistance data is connected to a seperate parameter denominated "Resistance" which contains a TeLiTab with Speed (V) and Resistance (R). Based on this discription you can expect a two TeLiTabs:


The resulting TeLiTab looks as followed:


       "Lpp"      100          
       "B"         20          
        2     "R"  "V"          
        "1"  1000  10          
        "2"  1200  11
        "3"  1300  12
        "4"  1400  13
        "5"  1500  14
        "6"  1600  15

Finally you could assume that this information is part of the "Ship" object. In that case on the highest level their is one list parameter "Ship", containing the previous TeLiTab structure as value:

  1. The TeLiTab with one list value Ship;
  2. The TeLiTab within Ship with Lpp, B and Resistance;
  3. The TeLiTab within Resistance, with V and R;



All information between double quotes are parameters/objects.
