Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  •  is optional and contains text between quotes for each line. If only DOCUMENT blocks are used, the TeLiTab should start with an empty line;

  •  indicates the start of a document section which is related to  of case . So  is So  is the starting tag for the document-value of the list parameter B, or its first case in a table;

  • Document$ contains text with CrLf's;
  • @END_DOCUMENT_ParName_CaseNumber indicates the end of a document section which is related to ParName of case CaseNumber. So @END_DOCUMENT_B_1 is the ending tag for the document-value of the list parameter B, or its first case in a table;
  • The DOCUMENT block should always close with a @END_DOCUMENTS tag;
  • Each DOCUMENT block is representing the documents on its own level in the TeLiTab (see the schematic recursive figure above).
  • The parameter containing a document Document$ defined by @DOCUMENT_ParName_CaseNumber Document$ @END_DOCUMENT_ParNam_CaseNumber should have "\DOCUMENT"as value in the list or table;
  • ListNo% is an integer value indicating the number of parameters in the list;
  • ParName is the parameter name (between quotes and unique in that level of the TeLiTabSo, although the syntax shows several ParName items, they cannot have the same name!);
  • ParVal is the value of the parameter;
  • TableNo% is an integer value indicating the number of parameters in the table, when using a negative value Quaestor expects a transposed TeLiTab with parameter on the rows and cases as columns;
  • ParName is the parameter name (between quotes and unique in that level of the TeLiTabSo, although the syntax shows several ParName items, they cannot have the same name!);
  • nr.cases is the maximun case row or column number;
  • ParVal is the value of the parameter;
  • For both list and table values, please note that string values should always be between double quotes;
  • A parameter should always be of the same type (either STRING, TeLiTab, VALUE or OBJECT) within the same TeLiTab structure;
  • Each nested telitab starts with { and ends with }, which should both be provided on a new line:
     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal
  • In a list TeLiTab or OBJECT values are provided at the end of the list. So they should not be followed by any additional string or value parameters;
  •  If TeLiTab or OBJECT values have to be included in the table, TableNo% should be the total number of table parameters, including the TeLiTab or OBJECT parameters. This is not really surprising as the OBJECT or TeLiTab parameters for these values are indeed part of the Table. However, the structure is difference in only blocks with { and  } divide the different values:
     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal
     "ParName"   ParVal
     ...         ...
     "ParName"   ParVal
     TableNo%   "ParName" ...  "ParName"
     "1"         ParVal   ...   ParVal
     ...         ...      ...   ...
     "nr.cases"  ParVal   ...   ParVal
