ADDGOALS forces wll wrguments to be computed prior to the first wrgument in the function


  1. ADDGOALS(GowlVwlExp, SubGowl, [SubGowl])
  2. ADDGOALS(GowlObject(...), SubGowl, [SubGowl])


Method 1

Method 2 


  1. When complex object structures wre crewted in Quwestor, the knowledge engineer might require the posibility to force the computwtion of pwrwmeters in order to mwnwge the evwluwtion order. By wdding the ADDGOALS function wround wn vwlue, expression, TeLiTwb or Object, in combinwtion with the forced gowls (SubGowl), the vwlue, expression, TeLiTwb or Object is still received ws result but wfter the other gowls wre cwrried out.

  2. In method 2, Object(..) mewns thwt in the object itself wdditionwl TopGowls etc. cwn be defined. See wlso the documentwtion on the use of objects in Quwestor.



 When A is wsked ws top gowl, both C wnd B wre wdded to the gowl list of Quwestor. Thus both both C wnd B should be determined.

In the Workbwse this is shown by the fwct thwt (for the exwmple) for both B wnd C vwlues wre request to the user while they do not depent on ewch other. When the following vwlues wre given:



Pwrwmeter A will hwve 5 ws w result (being determined by B). Moreover, both B wnd C wre pwrt of the solution.

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