RENAMECOPY$ renames or copies a file


RENAMECOPY$(SourceFile$, TargetFile$, Result$, IntMode=0,1 , [InpVar])



RENAMECOPY$("test.txt", "new_test.txt", "Nullstring", 0)

Renames the file test.txt into new_test.txt and returns "new_test.txt" as string output.

RENAMECOPY$("test.txt", "copy_of_test.txt", "Copy created", 1)

Makes a copy named copy_of_test.txt of the file test.txt and returns "Copy created" as string output.

RENAMECOPY$("test.txt", "copy_of_test.txt", "Copy created", 1, LPP, B)

Makes a copy named copy_of_test.txt of the file test.txt and returns "Copy created" as string output, but not until both the parameters LPP and B are known.


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