SYSTEMVAR$ reads or sets Quaestor system variables


  1. SYSTEMVAR$(VarName$)
  2. SYSTEMVAR$(VarName$, Setting$)



  1. SYSTEMVAR$ is mainly used in combination with knowledge bases to be used on the server functionality of Quaestor. However, some of the read only variables are also useful for any knowledge base;
  2. The following Quaestor system variable can be set and read:
  1. The following Quaestor system variable can be read only:
    1. "qi_username", returns the user name. Either provided from Windows or from another source such as eGroupWare;
    2. "qi_headless", return whether Quaestor is running as client or as server:
      1. "qi_headless" = "y", Quaestor is running as server;
      2. "qi_headless" = "n", Quaestor is running as client;
      3. "objectname", provides "NullString" when not in an object or the name of the object it is part of;
      4. "qi_delimiter", give the type of delimiter used to provide ranges (either , or ;)
      5. "reportpath", returns the string of the total report path in Windows format (as set under Tools>Options);
      6. "htmlfilereportpath", returns the string of the total report path in proper HTML browser format;
      7. "unixreportpath", returns the string of the total report path in unix format (with forward slashes);
      8. "kbspath", returns the string of the knowledge base path in Windows format (as set under Tools>Options);
      9. "apppath", returns the string of the general application path in Windows format (as set under Tools>Options);
      10. "appkbspath", returns the string of the  knowledge base application path in Windows format


See Directory structure for the Quaestor standards concerning the directories. Assume a knowledge base with the name KnowledgeBaseName

ReportPath$ = SYSTEMVAR$("ReportPath")

will return

"E:\My Documents\My Knowledge\Projects\_KnowledgeBaseName\Solutions\"


HTMLFileReportPath$ = SYSTEMVAR$("htmlfileReportPath")

will return

"file://E:/My Documents/My Knowledge/Projects/_KnowledgeBaseName/Solutions/"

So tell the outside World that a solution is not judged as succesful:

CALC_success$ = SYSTEMVAR$("QI_success","0")

Example knowledgebases


An example knowledgebase of this function can be donwloaded here 


Quick links: Function overview | Attribute overview | Constants overview | Dimensions overview