The string parameter attribute 

@FILEDIALOGUE  is used to Initiate a file dialog as alternative to the SELECTFILE$() function.



@FILEDIALOGUE  in the data slot of the parameter


This is an alternative for the SELECTFILE$() function.

@FILEDIALOGUE is followed by three lines:

  1. Dialogue caption, for example: 'Select lines plan file'
  2. Default file name, , for example 'nullstring' if there is none,
  3. File selection mask, , for example: 'File type (*.qdb)|*.qdb' for one particular type (in this example *.qdb) or 'Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF' for groups of file types (in this example *.BMP, *.JPG and*.GIF)

Member of functional group: Binaries or applications

Member of knowledge base type: Classic and general typeScenario type and Taxonomy type




Quick links: Function overview | Attribute overview | Constants overview | Dimensions overview