SUMCASES computes the sum of the values of a series of cases of its argument parameter in the current solution


SUMCASES(Parameter, FromCase, ToCase)



  1. The SUMCASES function can be used to compute e.g. the advancing average of Parameter or as a primitive form of integration by summing the values of Parameter from all cases from FromCase up to the current case. When current case > ToCase, the sum up to ToCase is returned.


B# = SUMCASES(A, 3, 6)

returns the following result for a variation of parameter A from 1-10 (A = 1(1)10):

2  "b" "a" 
"1"   0.00  1.00 
"2"   0.00  2.00 
"3"   3.00  3.00 
"4"   7.00  4.00 
"5"  12.00  5.00 
"6"  18.00  6.00 
"7"  18.00  7.00 
"8"  18.00  8.00 
"9"  18.00  9.00 
"10" 18.00 10.00