The End User (EU) level is the basic level for the use of standard knowledge bases as applications.

End users always work in projects. They are able to start a predefined scenario or macro and re-use existing solutions. Solutions based on taxonomies can be opened, viewed and recalculated as long as no changes are made to the tree structure (the hierarchy of the model). An EU cannot create new models (solutions) based on available knowledge. Furthermore, as an End User is not able to open the knowledge base, an End User cannot add, change or remove knowledge. Creating your own models based on the knowledge in the knowledge base or changing your knowledge base requires higher user levels.

A knowledge base can be provided with a maximum user level and a project can be protected against unauthorised use or modification (see Knowledge base protection for more detail). In case a project is protected against unauthorized modification, an End-User will automatically open the project read-only. 

The following matrix provides information on the possibilities and limitations of the different user levels. Click [here] to open a spreadsheet presenting the matrix of user rights for user levels. 


Domain Expert Knowledge Engineer