
The web pages displayed on the start page of Quaestor can be managed via xml files. This kind of file must have the name StartUrls.xml.

The structure of a such xml file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StartUrls xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <Name>Quaestor start page</Name>

A <Link> tag can contain the address of a local html page, stored on the disk. In this case, the address must start with file:/// and then the full path to the html page.

The StartUrls.xml file can be used on the Quaestor level and at the Quaestor's application level.

The StartUrls.xml file at Quaestor level

The StartUrls.xml file at application with Quaestor level

The StartUrls.xml can be used for any application built with Quaestor.

Place the file in the knowledgebase folder that is used for the application. For example, for the STAIMO application, the file should be placed in [..]\My_Knowledge\kbs\_STAIMO\

When starting the application (from the desktop icon or from the Quaaestor itself), Quaestor will load the StartUrls.xml files from all the application, than the ones for Quaestor itself and then set the focus to the one specified in the file corresponding to the application that is started.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StartUrls xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">